Holbrook,Massachusetts Results Oct 1 25 yard indoor BR


New member
Thanks for coming out on a raining dreary day.
Class, Name, Equipment, T1, T2, T3, Total
Open,David Shattuck, RAW BM, 242,4X,249,14X,247,11X,738,29X
HV,Mark Marini, Thomas 250,18X,250,19X,250,16X,750,53X (Mark's first 750!!!)
HV, Paul Bendix, Thomas 249,14X, 249,16X,250,18X, 748,48X
HV, David Shattuck, RAW,247,10X,249,15X, 249, 12X, 745,32X
HV, Chris Sloan, RAW TM-1000 248,12X,246,13X, 250,14X, 744,39X
HV, Chris Sloan, RAW TM-1000 247,8X I ran out of 25 yard targets grabbed a box of 50 meter by mistake!
LV, Mark Marini, Thomas 242,6X, 249, 9X, 243, 6X, 734, 21
Scores next month will be for score line.
Paul Bendix

Sent from my iPad
Ditto to what Chris said!!!! Plus, congrats to Chris on shooting a 250.

Found out after shooting 2 targets that my BM needs an O-ring upgrade as it starting dumping air around where the bottle meets the regulator. Thanks to Chris and Mark for pointing it out as I, being more than half deaf, wouldn't have known until probably half way through a target when the power suddenly dropped off.

Until next month.

Special Thanks to Paul for getting there hours early to set up the range.
Especially when he wasn't feeling 100%. I hope in the future you'll let Chris and
I take care of the set up and breakdown. Great to see everyone and have our
indoor matches going again. Stu will be there next month and I bet John too.
I'd love to see Pete and Todd out to join us again soon. Big trip for them.
See you all next month.

Mark, Congrats on your first 750 with high X count.

Special Thanks to Paul for getting there hours early to set up the range.
Especially when he wasn't feeling 100%. I hope in the future you'll let Chris and
I take care of the set up and breakdown. Great to see everyone and have our
indoor matches going again. Stu will be there next month and I bet John too.
I'd love to see Pete and Todd out to join us again soon. Big trip for them.
See you all next month.

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Spent some time on my LV Thomas today. JB bore past with a nylon brush. Cleaned it with several patches with a Jag and then 8-10 patch worm pull through. Dropped 25-30 fps. Now I hope to get range time in a couple of days.
Will let you know what happens?
Paul & Dave
Sure would be nice to see you guys once this year! There's a 50/50 match in NH in a couple weeks. I miss you guys!
Otherwise, I may have to see what you guys are doing down there with this airgun stuff.:rolleyes:$$

Paul & Dave
Sure would be nice to see you guys once this year! There's a 50/50 match in NH in a couple weeks. I miss you guys!
Otherwise, I may have to see what you guys are doing down there with this airgun stuff.:rolleyes:$$


Going to the Worlds in Brisbain Australia and two Nationals in CA plus buying the camp next to me on China Lake ate up my rimfire $$.
My travel by Air is over! Promise to make some Rimfire matches in Maine as we spent most of the Summer in Maine. Over Four months.
Don't have a sporter that can get out of the 230's But my Turbo is still shooting good if I find ammo it likes. Have a 50 meter range at the new camp that the Grandkids love.
See you in the spring.

It could happen, but I'd more than likely only be a spectator.

I'm pretty much out of Rimfire now and only have my Sporter left. That is, unless Paul has any interest in it? :D

Hope to see you sometime.
