Holbrook March 4 results


New member
Springer Class
Chris Sloan FWB-300 244 6X, 242 7X, 241 5X, 727 18X
Bill Day FWB-300 237 7X, 238 6X, 244 9X, 719 22X
Stuart Spector FWB-300 234 4X, 246 7X, 234 3X, 714 14X
David Strate FWB-300 244 6X, 235 2X, 231 4X, 710 12X
Leo Gonzales FWB-300 218 0X, 215 1X, 223 4X, 656 5X
Robert Fisher FWB-300 210 2X, 218 2X, 201 1X, 629 5X

LV Class
Ed Hosier Thomas Salem,NY 249 14X, 250 17X, 248 11X, 747 42X
John Eroh AA 235 5X, 241 8X, 241 4X, 717 17X
Howard Williams Walther DNF, 241 1X, 211 0X, 452 1X

HV Class
Chas Dicapua RAW TM-1000 250 15X, 250 16X, 250 16X, 750 47X
Frankie Monroe Thomas 248 18X, 250 16X, 250 20X, 748 54X

Weather was 70 + degrees last week. I packed my truck at 7:00 AM and was 14 degrees. Range heater wasn't working correctly. Might have been above 25-30 degrees then quit !
David Shattuck tested pellets and Frankie gun scope quit so he shot my Thomas.

No body shot the second match!
See you April 1 St for the next match. Really sorry people drove from Maine, NH, NY, CT, RI and Hope Stu gets back to the Island as the winds were picking up. Wish I had a picture of the line with all the coats, gloves,hats etc.
Congrats to Chas Dicapua first match at Holbrook and shot a 750 with a RAW also welcome back Frankie who hasn't shot in several years! His first and second 250 under not the best conditions!
Also some one left a stool? I have it at home.
Paul Bendix

Sent from my iPad
It was Chase first match at 25 yards!

All scores were good :)
Chase is perfect! three target 250 score, he should get a 250 score patch :)
Springer class# :eek:

Should make up a 750 pin for three 250's. HV several have done that. Also a 1500 pin for 6 250's.

Ron S. From Oregon last week shot 1500 in LV Class That's Great shooting! He found some pellets his gun likes! Hope he has a lot of them.

What make of guns and pellets do you have in Iran?

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Shooting stool left at Holbrook


I thought it was Howard's but it's not.
Might be David Strate but I don't have his contact email or phone #.
If it's yours email me at paulbendix @icloud.com and I can mail it to you.
Paul Bendix
Should make up a 750 pin for three 250's. HV several have done that. Also a 1500 pin for 6 250's.

Ron S. From Oregon last week shot 1500 in LV Class That's Great shooting! He found some pellets his gun likes! Hope he has a lot of them.

What make of guns and pellets do you have in Iran?


1500 in LV , great :D
Relay I
Ron Silveira LV Thomas BR .177 250 18x 250 15x 250 20x 750 53x
Relay II
Ron Silveira LV Thomas BR .177 250 21x 250 16x 250 19x 750 56x

here we use HW100 for OP class and more shooters were successful with it.
but for wrabf classes we do not have much choice:( ,i use TM1000 and only one in Iran. recently our shooters used FWB 800X FT and they are successful.
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