Holbrook,MA Indoor 25 yd USA Scoreline Airgun Benchrest Match Sat April,7 at noon.


New member
Holbrook Sportsmens Club
150 Quincy Street
Holbrook, MA

Will have it's fourth Indoor USA Scoreline match of the year, this Sat April 7th at noon.

Cost $5.00 for 3 world targets. Shoot what you have or I can set you up with a Steyr HV Class,
or a couple of Air Arms in LV class.

Hope you can make it.

Picture of indoor range.

Equipment setup room

Paul Bendix
Sorry guys, but due to a prior commitment I'll have to be elsewhere. Probably just as well though as I haven't seen hide nor hair of my MFR parts order yet.

So as not to waste an opportunity, I figured while the MFR was apart anyway I might as well redo some of the fit and finish work on its stock that hadn't turned out quite right on the first attempt. Then, while I was into it anyway, and everything was out, I figured I might as well pull the MPR apart in order to add 2" to its stock. And then today I started looking at my Sako Sporter as it has needed that stock both lengthened and refinished for quite some time, so while I'm in the mood.... Sure does smell a lot like Shellac and Urethane around here. Oh, and not to leave anything untouched, my Suhl has been apart for the better part of a month having a bit of barrel work done to it. I just hope the heck that when the time comes to put everything back together I can find all the pieces, and then remember which piece goes to which gun.

See everybody on the 21st, and hopefully I'll have one of them up and running by then. Either that, or I'll just have to bring Ye Ol' Red Rider.

Brad you can use my Independence again if you like. If you have a mechanical rest I can put the bencrest stock on the gun.
Sorry guys, I can't make it today. I promised to take the kids to an egg hunt. I hope to make the next shoot! Have fun guys!