Holbrook Indoor results Nov 2 .


New member
Had only 5 shooters so was used more of an equipment testing match.

Dan Brown had his shipment of 12 fpe LW barrels to test. He tested a different barrel each card in his SUMO.
Dan also made me two different transfer ports for my SUMO so tried the small for the first card and the med for cards 2 and 3 . Used a different pellet each row and shot card three with the best pellet. When I got home and shot over the Crony was at 14 fpe. Will bring it up to19 fpe for the next match.
Thanks Dan.

LV class

Dan Brown .177 SUMO 248 10X, 249 13X, 250 12X 747 35X
248 14X, 250 17X, 250 13X 748 44X

David Shattuck .177 AA MPR. 250 15X, 250 14X, 248 11X, 748 40X
249 10X, 247 12X, 246 9X, 742 31X

Mark Normandin RAW .177. 248 17X, 250 16X, 250 17X, 748 50X

HV Class

Mark Normandin RAW .177. 249 16X, 250 14X, 249 19X, 748 49X

Paul Bendix .177 SUMO 246 7X, 247 12X, 250 17X, 743 36X

Open Class

Al Joly .22 Royal. 246 11X, 243 8X, 249 11X, 738 30X

Thanks for all the help in range setup and take down.

Sorry about the delay in the report, spent a couple of days in the hospital and just got home today.

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Sorry to hear about your trip to the hospital and hope you're alright? How will that affect your plans on going to VA for the Indoor Rimfire Nationals, or is that not happening now?

Thanks for running the match. I had a great time, as always.

See you in December.


Sorry to hear about your trip to the hospital and hope you're alright? How will that affect your plans on going to VA for the Indoor Rimfire Nationals, or is that not happening now?

Thanks for running the match. I had a great time, as always.

See you in December.


Plan on leaving Thursday afternoon and spend the night in Penn. Hope to get to Luray for some ammo testing on Friday.

See you at the Dec Match.

Glad Frank and his daughter got to shoot a couple of different guns on Sat.

The hook might be set!! Just reel them in!

Hi Paul,

Sorry to hear you have had some problems, hope everything worked out for you.

Good luck at the Nationals.

Good News Paul

Paul, glad to hear your doing OK!

Thanks for putting on the shoot, Hopefully next month we'll all get dialed in a bit more.

MarkN :cool: