Holbrook Indoor Results 4/7/12


New member
Holbrook Indoor Range Results on April 7, 2012
Had a good turnout for the Easter weekend with 11 shooters. I want to welcome a new shooter that Bill brought with him from Maine. Ken Robinson was shooting Bill’s HW-100.
Thanks for all the help in setting up and taking down the range. Help in scoring
Mark bringing the goodies to eat.
Open Class
Al Joly FX Royal 249 9X, 249 15X, 248 14X, 746 38X
Rick Ingram Dawson 247 11X, 246 8X, 247 14X, 740 33X
LV Class
Dan Brown AA EV-2 250 11X, 248 14X, 250 16X 748 41X
Todd Banks AA EV-2 249 13X, 247 9X, 249 15X 745 37X
Paul Bendix AA EV-2/MPR 247 10X, 244 8X, 246 12X, 737 30X
Bill Day AA EV-2 239 5X, 243 8X, 245 2X, 727 15X
HV Class
Daniel Finney M-Rod 248 12X, 245 10X, 247 6X, 740 28X
Mark Normindin TM-1000 246 9X, 244 7X, 245 11X, 735 27X
Norm Lieber Theoben 232 4X, 240 3X, 242 6X, 714 13X
Ken Rodinson HW-100 230 3X, 230 5X, 231 2X, 691 10X
Production Class
Franky Monroe M-rod 236 2X, 232 6X, 227 3X, 695 11X
Left to right
Ken, Daniel, Dan, Franky, Bill

Left to right
Todd, Norm, Rick, AL


Mark with his RAW TM-1000

Happy Easter
Paul Bendix
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Good shooting everybody, and sorry I had to miss the get-together ......BUT,

The reason for my absence was: my life-long best friends daughter was getting married that day, and the wedding was taking place in the latter part of the afternoon ±75 miles from my home on the exact opposite side of the State (I live 1/4 mile south of the NH border with the wedding being in Sturbridge just a few mile before falling off into Connecticutt). On the way my wife and I decided to stop at a Rest Stop along the Mass. Pike. As I was quick-stepping my way in I all of a sudden hear "Dave", to which I naturally turned only to see Todd and Rick who were on their way home from the shoot and had stopped for the same reason. As it turns out, I guess I could have done the shoot, changed at the range, then followed them out and still made the wedding just under the wire. Of course, needless to say my wife may have never spoken to me again. But that's another story.

Congratulations to all the winners, especially Dan who seems to be getting that much closer to achieving the perfect 25X target as every match goes by.

Thanks again for hosting the matches at Holbrook. It's always fun to get together with the guys and talk airguns and to see what new innovation someone has shown up with.

It was great to meet Ken, and I hope he enjoyed benchrest shooting enough to come back!
Dave, you looked good all dressed up for the wedding....I think you could have saved some time and come dressed like that for the match:D
Paul, Thanks for all your efforts in putting on another great Match. Although my results to date have been disappointing, it's never a disappointment to get together with all the usual suspects. The several hours of airgun Benchrest 101 go by much to quickly. Hope to see you gents this Sat. at the outdoor Holbrook Shoot.

Don't think of it as being disappointed, but rather as having held your expectations too high ... at least for now. But, after 6 or 7 more months of tinkering, then you can become disappointed. Don't worry, with that rig in due time it will all come together.
I'm glad you mentioned next Saturdays Outdoor Holbrook match as I had no idea. Guess I had better concentrate on getting one of my peashooters back together, along with working up some pellets to shoot through it. As of right now the only option is my 12fpe gun as I'm still waiting on parts for the 20.

Maybe I should slap the suit back on for Saturday and see if it helps any? Nah, I'd just end up getting all tangled up in that damn tie. And besides, that kind of spiffiness never has been my way of doing!!!

Guess I'll be seeing everybody on Saturday,

You guys keep raising the bar and standard equipment for a match will be a ladder.............great job to all who made it happen.

Frank in TX