Holbrook indoor benchrest


Paul Bendix

I sent you the paperwork and check for Holbrook Indoor
BenchRest today. First match May 3, 2008 start at 12:30.

Paul Bendix
Great News, I'm really interested in some indoor targets

I can hardly wait to see what kind of scores you guys get shooting indoors. I have shoot 22 rimfire indoors and have always been suprised by the number of flyers I got when shooting indoors. It will be an eye opening exprience to compare the indoor air rifle scores to those shot in open air.

Hopefully i made the target challenging enough that you guys won't all have 250-25x on every target :D

The good news is: with Paul's help I have been able to set up a full 25Y indoor practice range in my barn which will be ready to go shortly after we receive our new guns. Paul built me a great shooting bench made with a steel frame and wooden top, along with casters in case I need to move it around.

I was still running a bit tight on room as I barely had enough to start with, and no extra to play with. Again, Paul came to the rescue offering the use of a pellet trap that is large enough to accommodate our targets, yet shallow enough to save me approx. one foot, the foot I desparately needed to fit everything in and still have the 25Y.

The bad news is: where I had to go diagonally across the barn to get the 25Y, there appears to be only enough room for one firing lane so I won't be able to run any sanctioned matches there. After all is in place I will remeasure everything and maybe, hopefully, will be able to find enough to fit a second in somehow.

I want to thank Paul for all his help in getting this set up as I could have never gotten it ready so quickly without it.

Ron and Dave,
I hope to have an informal match before the sanction matches. To play with the lighting and ventilation and heating. I don't think it will be too easy but we can add a couple of oscillating fans. Talked to AZ and he will ship them out next week.:)
Received your schedule

Paul, I'll get your information to Gary so that we can get it posted on the website. May will be here before you know it.
Thanks for getting my indoor match info to Gary to get it posted. I had to pick up some car parts near Dave Shattuck indoor range. I delivered a Bench Rest Table I welded for Dave and a bullet trap. I am envious of his range. It was a Lodge for a ski slope. Wall to wall carpet, 30 foot bar, Knoty pine walls.
I hope he runs some matches there. He has the town airport near by. Lets have an AirGun benchrest flyin. No more long car rides, sounds good to me.


Thanks for the wonderful bench, and the great service. I had no idea you would also deliver, and I don't call having to go out of your way by close to 50 miles being "near" my range.

We can do the fly in, and since the airport is also one of the country's primier skydiving centers, maybe schedule it for a weekend when they're hosting one of their major events as well. Now, if I can only figure out how to fit a couple more 25Y firing lanes into "The Bahn".

You have no idea how much I appreciate what you have done, and how surprised I was when you knocked on my door yesterday.

Thanks again!

I might just have to drop in myself

The last time I dropped in for a shoot it was pretty damn hot. The neighborhood was not nearly as friendly as you guys have been to me and I had no intentions whatso ever in coming in second place.

If you look closely at this picture you probably can figure out that it's not taken over my camphouse on the Black Warrior River.


PS: Nothing like ole times

Come on up! Our specialty at the airport is tandem jumping, but many, many solos are done as well. Both are done from a Twin Otter, and you can even get it on DVD if you want for future enjoyment. Of course, after you jump you may not be in any shape to compete for a few weeks as your adrenalin might be a tad pumped up and you heart may be racing out of control.

In the attached photo you will see my rickety old wooden shooting bench with rest, gun, etc. in place, but in the background you will see the Twin Otter full of jumpers taking off and heading up to 15,000' plus. That is how close my outdoor range is to the runway. A great spot to shoot from!

By the way, how do you get the photo files to post already open?



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Double Ruk, O2 and a drogue...does not get any better then that, unless, a container, O2, hop'n'pop 27K...the "Twotter" in the background is a nice platform for transportation. I think either would be a nice way to get to the next match...keep posting photos of rifles and match equipment lists...air rifle benchrest is catching on here...nice pic's
Dave, there's a good link on photo posting on the general forum

Just search there. It's got all the steps. It's easy with a little practice.

Basically you insert a link to the picture. Quick as a copy and a paste