Holbrook indoor benchrest sat March,1 at noon $5.00 for 3 World targets.


New member
Holbrook Sportsmens Club
150 Quincy Street

Going to be cold in the indoor range as heat still is not in. Dress in layers.

Three world targets for USA Scoreline and /or March/April BIPM postal match.

Setup any time after 11:00, Match starts at Noon.

Hope you can make it Sat. March 1.

They must breed you guys and girls (Linda H – wow) tough over there. I’ve just got in from shooting the indoor air rifle, frozen to the bone )chill(

Good luck.

-3F Tonight


It's going to be about the same Temp. as January tonight -3* F. I did not have enough feeling in my fingers at the Jan. shoot to know if I was crushing the skirts on the pellets or not! The main problem is the guns seem to get colder as the shoot goes on and shift POI plus the issue of mirage. I think I'll bring my blankey with me to keep the gun warm tomorrow. lol

I guess that's what makes the game so fun!:cool:


I much prefer the ones like DanB uses: http://www.acehardware.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3314254.

The problem I have with the one you showed is: many, many years ago I had one exactly like that. Same brand and everything. I use to use it when going ice fishing, and it seemed to work great. Then, one time I went to light it and noticed it had leaked all over the inside of my pocket, which in time soaked through to my skin, and once there irritated the heck out of that. Luckily I noticed the problem BEFORE I set myself on fire!

With the ones like Dan uses, they may not last as long (±7 hours), and if use often enough have a much higher cost associated ($1.20 each), but they're absolutely balls-on safe!

Here again, just my 2¢ worth.

Good luck to my friends at Holbrook today. Cold or warm we always seem to have a good time. And I'll thank Mark now for bringing the goodies. Sorry I had to miss this one, but will be back come April. Of course, by then the heating system should be fixed along with the outside temp being a lot closer to 40° to 50°, if not approaching 60°, not -3°. )chill( )chill( )chill(
