Hoke Kerns is in ICU

Probably my last update on Hoke

They moved Hoke to a regular room today. Talking and looking better. Will be moved to Health South Rehab on Narrow Lane Road in Montgomery tomorrow. Don't know how long he will be there. I will probably go see him the latter part of next week. Mickey
Thanks for updates on Hoke. Hoke is our prayers for speedy recovery.

Rehab address

Health South Rehab. Center
4465 Narrow Lane Road
Montgomery, Alabama 36116
(334) 284-7700
Not there yet as of 7:00 AM today, 1/19/09
Oh no...

Somebody please forward my best wishes to Hoke...You will be in my prayers, My Friend!!!....seb.

PS: I am sorry that I did not know/follow about his condition, what's the matter with him, gentlemen?
Anyone knows where is he now? the Hospital, room, address etc? I would like to send him a card or so tomorrow. (It would take about 4 working days from Indonesia to the States for your reference).
Thanks you in advance,
Hoke is at;

Health South Rehab, 4465 Narrow Lane Rd, Montgomery, Al 36116, rm 209.
Started rehab today, will be in that from bout 0830-1400 daily. He's tired so will probably nap when he can. PH @ Health South, 334-284-7700. He has cell phone with him but would limit for the time being. Has a lot of work ahead of him but sure he could use all encouragement possible.

I went to see Hoke today. He is improving but gets real tired doing the rehab. Mickey

Went to see Hoke today. Doing a lot better. Will go home on 6 Feb. Will do out patient rehab. Any change I will let you know. Mickey

Great news Mickey.Give him my best.He mentioned me in an artical he did on barrel tuning not long ago. So tell him hi.