Hoke Kerns is in ICU


Mickey Law

at Flowers Hospital in Dothan, AL. He had knee surgery Fri. morning and was doing fine Sat. about 2 pm when I went to see him. Sometime Sat. night or Sun. morning he had an apparant stroke. I went down this afternoon and talked to his wife Carolyn. Hoke was asleep and out of it. They are going to do more tests Mon. morning. Hopefully everything will be okay but we don't know yet. Keep Hoke and family in your prayers. I will try to tell more tomorrow when I find out anything. Mickey
Oh No...

We will definitely keep Hoke in our prayers with hopes of a full recovery.
Please keep us posted Mickey.

Denny & DebMarie
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Mickey............................................ ..................

Keep us posted on Hoke............he'll be in our prayers. Do you have a phone number and address at the hospital?
I never met Hoke, but I have talked to a him few times via email. A super nice guy who seems to be very enthusiastic about shooting in general and is very knowledgeable.

I pray that Hoke pulls out of this ok. Keep us up to date.

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Got to get that old fool well. He is the only person that will email me. We visited before he went in and was in good spirits. Our prayers are with him.
Get Well

Tell Hoke, Dorothy and I are praying for him. Tell him it's Apple Cake time, and that should cheer him up.
Good Friend - Great Shooter

Get Well Soon my friend! We'll keep you in our prayers. Steve and Janie

Please keep us posted on Hoke's condition.. He will be in our thoughts and prayers.. Please tell Hoke and his family that if there is anything Pat & I can do to please let us know..

Thanks Mickey..

Dave & Pat Smith
Tell Hokie to get well soon. We're looking forward to shooting with him again this spring. Still remember eating breakfast with Hokie and Mickey several years ago before matches at the old chicken barn.

Ken & Cherie Henderson
Mickey,Please keep us updated.And tell Hoke he better get better fast we still have a 5th of Jack Daniels to drain through out this summer.Jerry&Ronda
Hoke and familey. I will say my hail mary's for you and hope the Lord will make you well. Hang in Hoke you got a lot more shooting to do and many more folks to influnce. garrisone.
Get well soon Hoke! We are all wishing the best for you, and I look forward to visiting with you every chance I get, and always enjoy the discussions. You will be in my prayers. Get well, and get ready to do some more rimfire BR shooting in the Spring.
I never met Hoke, but I have talked to a him few times via email. A super nice guy who seems to be very enthusiastic about shooting in general and is very knowledgeable.

I pray that Hoke pulls out of this ok. Keep us up to date.


Brad, if you ever get too meet him, you will never foget him. Finiest gentleman you will ever meeet. My prayers will be with you Hoke, I know you thoughtof me after my stroke and accident........

Gary Shelton
Hoke Kerns was one of my mentors when I first started shooting benchrest almost 10 years ago. Although I have left the sport I still keep an eye on this board to keep up with current events. I'm sad to hear that Hoke has fallen ill and I wish him a quick recovery.

Our best wishes to Hoke and his family. He is a mentor and friend, even to those of us who have never met him.

Al and Penny