Hoke Kerns back home



Hoke was released from Health South Rehab and returned home today, not too soon for him! Will still have some outpatient rehab but at any rate he is home.
Great news, glad too hear you are home see ya soon Hoke.
Isn't it great when the good guy wins?

I never had the pleasure to meet Hoke, but we e-mailed some about a purchase sometime back. He was such a good guy about everything and he seems to always be ready to help out folks.
I am so glad you are back home Hoke. I wish you all the best in getting back on all your cylinders!
Warm wishes from a cold Alaskan!!
Mr. Hoke, glad to see that you've got home. That's good. Now take it slow and easy, and get well as soon as you can. Hope to see you at a match somewhere this season.

Glad to see you are home. Hope your recovery is swift and complete.. You are in our prayers..

Dave & Pat