Hoke Kerns a True Southern Gentleman


Steve Lloyd
Way to go Hoke on your win in the Meters Class at the Crawfish. I believe the gun he was using was his 10.5# Class Hall/Messer built gun. He shot a 250-10X under some ugly conditions. I have your "GOOD" Wood and pins, will bring them with me Saturday to the Central Alabama Shoot. See ya then!:p
I agree with you once again. Hoke is one of the best, and I congratulate him on his class win. I also want to also congratulate my traveling partner Wilbur on shooting the best target shot all weekend at the Crawfish with the 250-18X in some hard wind on Saturday afternoon. Congrats to all the others as well.

you are right, that target that Wilber shot was mighty fine. You can't let your gaurd down when he's at the bench.
A Class Guy

Fiddler's right, Hoke is a class guy. That was one good lookin' target. Thanks to Hoke, Keith, and all those others for handing out the free shootin' lessons all weekend. Just think how good they would all shoot if they had some of those fancy Ron McCormick wind flag stands. :D Jokin' aside, they are by far the nicest flag stands I've seen, and they won't blow over, even at Jacksonville. ;)
Hoke has always been my hero........he wins with class and he laughs when he makes a bad shot....always has been one of my favorite people! Ron does by far make the best flag stands anywhere.....he puts art in everything he does......both have helped me immensely over the years.