Historical Range Under Attack

Hip's Ax

New member
I found this on the net and made a donation. I've shot Blue Trail and shopped in their gun store and I do not like the idea of the Lymans being treated in such a manner one bit.


Historical Range Under Attack-- You Can Help!

Historic Blue Trail Range in Wallingford, CT, is currently fighting for its very existence. Battling biased reporting, half-assed investigating, and a law suit from a greedy developer, they need YOUR help if they are to take a stand.

In operation since the 1940's, there is a good chance that this range will be bankrupted by its efforts to fight to stay open. NOW is the time for action. Now is when you can make a difference. Don't wait to lament the closing of another range-- Do something!

The following sites will give you more information on the situation and what you can do. Please, help save this beautiful facility. The Lyman family has contributed to the shooting sports for decades. Now, we can give back. Click on the websites below, and do what you can!



Hello Hip,
I have never shot at Blue because everyone I asked about it said that it "was a zoo, and full of Yahoo's"....which turns out to be the case, what with the poor guy's house being shot-up. I do think that it should be preserved as a range,but I would like to see that range turned into a private club.
As you know, there are only two ranges in Ct. which exceed 100yds.(both are 200yds) the other one is in the extreme N.W corner right next to Mass. I got into Rimfire Benchrest for the very reason that we just don't have the space up here to shoot further than 100yds.. I hope that they can manage to keep the range open, but honestly I think this is the opening that the town was looking for in order to shut it down.
I'll bet that someone built a bunch of houses right around there and would only show them to buyers during the range's off hours. So people who paid 350K+ for a crappy new house woke up on a Saturday morning to hear a non-stop, ear-slitting barrage of gunfire. All day Saturday, and all day Sunday. I agree with them, that just aint no way to live. And as an added kick in the teeth, they have zero chance of selling those houses.
So, in my opinion, the best case scenario is to form a private club. Ideally a club consisting of both rimfire benchrest shooters as well as rimfire silhouette. You may also include certain smallbore disciplines on occasion, but MUST keep the noise to a minimum.....hey, how about a "suppressor only" club?
Sorry not to be 100% on your side, but the northeast is getting smaller and smaller.
Best of luck on your quest, tim

It's not the gun club's fault that some greedy developer built expensive homes in the vicinity of a gun club that has been there since the 1940's. And he is dishonest showing the homes while there is no shooting going on at the time.

Dale McClure
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Tim, I disagree 100%.

The Lyman's were there LONG before anything else.

The bullets found were not engraved and therefore never fired and therefore were planted by some greedy SOB.

The Lyman's made repeated reports to the police about yahoos shooting in the fields and lands around their area and this is being swept under the carpet.

If the homeowners got together and sued the living crud out of the developer and the realtor this underhanded develop and sell would stop happening.

BTW I live right next to Newark Airport (Liberty) and do I complain about the airplanes that sound like they are coming into my living room? No. They were here first.

I donated $100 and I'll probably never shoot there again, its just not part of my regular dance card.

Wake up. If this range is allowed to be closed expect YOUR range to be next.

Hello Hip,.....
So, in my opinion, the best case scenario is to form a private club. Ideally a club consisting of both rimfire benchrest shooters as well as rimfire silhouette. You may also include certain smallbore disciplines on occasion, but MUST keep the noise to a minimum.....hey, how about a "suppressor only" club?
Sorry not to be 100% on your side, but the northeast is getting smaller and smaller.
Best of luck on your quest, tim

I understand your post, but it is rather naive to think that this developer will just go.."oh, sure...you can just shoot little lead bullets on the same range and I'll be ok with that and just go away."

Yeah right.

If you take the time to read some of the articles, they have already started to mention an unfounded concern about a lead pollution issue with the water. First question about smallbore only..."What type of bullet do you use?" Solid lead. Follow that up with "But we won't bother you since we use silencers." Talk about generating unfounded concerns.

That will sink the range as fast, or even faster than just the standard litigation process.

Furthermore, you just essentially turned your back on other shooting disciplines, some much larger than smallbore, with the attitude to just make it a "private" club that supports your individual shooting interests. That is the EXACT type of thinking that will be the death of all shooting sports...let the anti's divide and conquer those who cherish shooting.:mad:

A private club will have just as much trouble from the developer with even less financial resources to battle the lawsuits.
Kind of like a Piggery ain't it ?

For what it's worth, you get little milage out of being there first, if what you put out past the borders of your property amount to a nuisance. Many piggeries in the Northeast found that out. The difference with the airports was the perception of public benefits. Airports bring much public benefit and piggeries less so. Vary fortunately in Massachusetts there is statutory law protecting "grandfathered ranges" from noise claims. But the smart club doesn't push it and takes steps to be seen in a favorable light. As far as bullets leaving the range, a club can install sky screens such that it is impossible to accidently have a bullet go astray. Heck, these were in discussion in a growing population in England over a hundred years ago. I wish the club well. I would suggest a compromise be reached if at all possible. Good luck.