Hey wilbur:

Hey Jerry is there some point where you just STF up? Maybe the poor guy is havin trouble finding a hat that will go around 4 corners.
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Come on Dude chill out a little, Life is to short to get worked up like that. You live 20 min's for your home range, go over and shoot a few targets and enjoy what the Good Lords Given us. 50/50 is doing fine, we all know things have been a little slow over the last few seasons with stat's etc..., but we all know it and they do get posted. Wilber is a good friend and most of us understand that he has a full plate. Lets see if we can offer some assistance, I'm sure there's a lot of folks willing to vol., how bout you? Yes, the RBA looks like it will be just fine too, New Skipper at the Helm. Congrats Chipper! See you on the firing line!
Hey Jerry is there some point where you just STF up? Maybe the poor guy is havin trouble finding a hat that will go around 4 corners.

Sure is Timmy its when you come down here to Ohio and shut me up:eek:
When I pay for something I kinda expect a little service but I can see where a dipsh-t like you dont.For the rest of you I dont a have a horse in this race I pulled it out after the 2007 season I shouldnt have posted on this thread but it still kinda irks me ir-50 is a great organization it just needs to be ran in a timely matter.I understand sometimes life gets kinda crazy thats when you stop keeping the money and pay for some help!And keep things afloat.I will not post on another thing that has anything to do with ir-50 until I start shooting it again then I will have the right to gripe.Jerry
The schedule is now posted! Where are all the complainers now? Of course if you really look at the schedule closely, you will notice that there are quite a few missing ranges? Wonder if those MD's even submitted a schedule for Wilbur to post? Wonder if that could have been part of the problem? Ever notice, the one's who shout the loudest never come back to say Thanks when a problem is solved? Why is that? Thumper
Well Bud, we're all sitting here looking at our computer screens and seeing the results of our dissatisfaction with Wilbur's performance. Don't get me wrong; I think he's a great guy and as honest as you can get but don't put too many irons in the fire than you can handle. He's done this. How much effort does it take to post on the Rimfire Board or the IR 50/50 board what the problem was- he had too many jobs and it took complainers like me to make the point and responded while guys of your caliber sat back and did nothing to try and correct the situation or take a flame from some- now I say thank you to Wilbur but after the fact. Kent Owens posted the only sensible message on this board- he's a sportsman and a gentleman. Wilbur's problem is that he won't accept help and has to deal with Range Masters like you. Like a lot others, you come in last to critisize shooters that are unhappy. I can arrange for a backbone transplant if you like.
Ponder this

I would try not to take too much credit or complain about others taking on too much to get all jobs done right. You don't really think that you have sped Wilbur up by any more that a week? In the grand scheme of things does a week, more or less, really matter?

There is an old adage that you may have not heard because you have been so busy. If you want to get something done ask the busiest man you know to do it.

As we grow older we become lovable old men or old farts.:)

Concho Bill
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Get what you pay for? What the heck are you talking about? I hope it's not the lousy $20 it costs a club to register, for that you get the pins, thay ain't free. And the buck per target, you think that's a lot of money? Man, you act like Wilbur is getting rich over running the matches. Thanks, Douglas
And to think that I was going to delete this thread cause Thumper hurt my feelings so bad.
Since this thread is directed at Wilbur, IMO no one owns a thread and no one but you, Wilbur, should be able to delete a thread. The information contained in a long discussion is from many sources and all have some value. If the person starting the thread can delete the whole thread, that information is lost to all the forum members. I personally read the Calfee threads, not for what Calfee writes, but for the requisite rebutals which often contain useful information. If Mr Calfee does not choose to participate in open discussion, so be it, but this is not his forum and I can't see letting him stake out claim to parts of it.
It seems to me anyone other than Wilber should only be able to delete their post and not the thread.
Fred K

I assure you that I never meant to hurt your feelings or anyone else's for that matter. I promise to make it up to you at the Crawfish shoot by giving you all the Shrimp and Crawfish you can eat. Come on down with Todd, Kathy and Bear, it'll relieve Cabin Fever for sure and start the season off with a good time. Thumper
Boy, I sure would like to go to the Crawfish. Just to be warm for a while!
Hey Thumper,

My feelings are hurt to, wanna take us to the bar-b-q joint or would you rather go to Trent's?


Hey Ken,
Didn't realize that I was so evil, wicked, mean and nasty? Thought your feelings were still frozen up there! You know I'd do anything for you and Cherie. Trents is still going strong and the fires are still burning over at the BBQ Joint, so take your pick? The shooting will be even better and seeing our friends will make it a super weekend! Thumper
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Sure is Timmy its when you come down here to Ohio and shut me up:eek:
When I pay for something I kinda expect a little service but I can see where a dipsh-t like you dont.For the rest of you I dont a have a horse in this race I pulled it out after the 2007 season I shouldnt have posted on this thread but it still kinda irks me ir-50 is a great organization it just needs to be ran in a timely matter.I understand sometimes life gets kinda crazy thats when you stop keeping the money and pay for some help!And keep things afloat.I will not post on another thing that has anything to do with ir-50 until I start shooting it again then I will have the right to gripe.Jerry

You're right you should'nt have posted on this thread. You pulled out over a year ago and still got a "chubby" because you did'nt get your freakin hat?? Why Jerry ol Buddy...that's absolutely pathetic.
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