Here we go again!!!!

Charles: I agree with the air head thing remember when I was a kid and some of the guys I hung around with that did some stupid things. So I guess if they turned it in and tried puting it out it was one of those thing that could have happened to anyone. Sure would like to know what they were shooting.

Joe Salt
The only ammunition I can think of that's widely available that could cause a spark is imported 7.62x39 with either copper washed steel jackets or steel penetrators. Some 5.56x45 ammo, SS108/M855 also has a steel penetrator that could cause sparks. As for shooting causing fires, I've done enough prairie dog shooting in bone dry Eastern Montana with no fires started at all. Of course that was with expanding bullets that contained no steel, iron, or other metals that could spark.

Shooting tracers is illegal in many if not most places except on military ranges, and exactly because it can cause fires.

Reason and logic combined with actual experience frequently makes no difference to those that make the laws the rest of us are expected to live under. It's like talking to the dog, except the dog wags its tail and acts like he's listening.
In regard to "those that make the laws", most dogs can learn key words which bring an immediate response to the desired action. Yeah, I know it's only Dog-Logic but still, higher level life forms could take a lesson from it. Arent we, afterall the masters of those who make the laws? We gave them their jobs.
I dont know about shooting dynamite but a local hardware has tannerite piled up quite high. Will that stuff start a fire.. I know the label says "...minimum range to shoot=100 yards." wow.
there is lots of steel jacketed ammo on the market today.
most stuff from russia is copper washed or plated steel
so while the bullets you and i shoot on a regular basis do not spark(fires), it is out there.


who knows what else....

yep the 5.56 62 gr steel penatrator round/green tip

mike in co
I thought tannerite was supposed to be completely safe till you mixed the activator package in with it?
When I was just out of high school, a friend and I were facinated with the the one shot, one exploding car in the movies.
We found an old junk car with about half a tank of gas, removed the tank with the gas in it, and sat it on top of the car.
We proceeded to shoot it with every centerfire we had, 22-250, 6.5X55, 30-06, .357 mag, and .44 mag. all we suceeded in doing is draining the tank. So we threw a match on the liquid, it was definitely gas.
I once read in Precision Shooting of a guy starting grass fires with a 22-250 shooting prone, but I have never started one that way or seen anyone else do it.