Here is my best 223 target

Here's a joke that never goes out of style....

What's underneath the dime?


Thats a good one have not heard that one yet, I guess a come back could be something like

Oh, you were looking at the wrong group, the actual 10 shot group I was talking about is under the dime.

I prefer the always hilarious:
"Great group, but you missed the dime. LOL" makes me wanna puke

Now I have gottten that one many many times, and also the one, well you missed the bullseye.

Except for this 17hmr which was not mine I usually click my scope down or up an inch or so; so that I can keep a clean unblemished aim point when shooting for groups.
I shot a one hole 5 shot group at 100 yards with my 7 x 300 that was truly just a hole, people at the range were like "sure you did" It just looked as if I shot it twice, Really wish I had that to show, it was long ago before internet bragging rights existed...

Ill have to see if I can pull it off again.:D