Help with posting photos of my Mod 37

I will try this.



This was Mike Walker's personal rimfire. It was featured in the August 1994 Precision Shooting mag. I think I made a great snag.
Butch you have a remarkable snag and a great rifle! Thanks for sharing the pics. Jack C
Very beautiful rifle. Do you mind if I ask you what the price was?

I see a barrel band. Does it have a bedder installed ? Very nice indeed. Does the trigger just have a shoe or is it an aftermarket ?

The trigger has a shoe marked Henshaw 37 if I'm reading the very small letters correctly. I haven't had it apart and don't know what a bedder consists of.
The price was not a steal, but was about what I have been priced before on others that I have seen. The bonus for this one is the wood, the scope, and the provenance.
A bedder is a device mounted in the forearm generally with at least two screws to put pressure on (tune) the barrel. It may be likened to a early version of a tuner. They were popular with smallbore shooters well into the 60's and 70's. Most used some form of barrel band. I noted the band at your forearm tip.

The trigger has a shoe marked Henshaw 37 if I'm reading the very small letters correctly. I haven't had it apart and don't know what a bedder consists of.
The price was not a steal, but was about what I have been priced before on others that I have seen. The bonus for this one is the wood, the scope, and the provenance.
Henshaw was indeed the maker of the trigger shoe. Tom Henshaw worked for Winchester from 1951 until only a few years ago. His father manufactured trigger shoes back in the 40's and 50's. Tom told me his job was saw the blank shoes everyday after school for his father. If you look in the Winchester 52 book by Herb Houze, Tom is credited with many of the pictures. Unfortunately Tom passed away a couple of years ago, along with a wealth of knowledge about Winchester and shooting sports in general. He was director of Shooting Promotions for Winchester for many years.
By the way, great gun Butch! That is about as pretty a stock as I have ever seen on a target rifle. Former owner probably had some "pull" at Remington.
Serial #?

I have a dozen of these 37`s and have been looking for the ones over 12000 ,never seen one ,but know they exist. Mike had acess to them all,just curious of what # Mike had ? I think 12198 was the last one made,or there abouts.
37 remington

Butch: nice gun I have a 37 that has the same barrel band and trigger shoe as yours. The guns serial number is 00808. Yours is the only other 37 with the same barrel band that I have seen. I talk to the remington guys that wrote the rimfire book and they thought it might be a proto-type gun. If you talk to Mr. Walker again - I would sure like to know if he installed the band or if it was done by Remington. Also: Did Mr. Walker have any 40x's for sale. I would like to own a gun that he had a hand in developing!
Slick Willy: Congratulations. You have more 37's than I do, and no I don't want to catch up to you just now. I have never seen a 37 with an 11,000 serial number or higher. My newest is 1077x. My youngest is 0171x. None have the barrel band and the 0171x rifle has the "new" style trigger. Not saying the trigger might have been swapped at some point in time. I have never seen an original style trigger that came with the first rifles in 1937.

Butch I'm curious if your wood has the rifle serial number stamped in the barrel channel or if it was changed at some point?

JohnnyO I wonder if your 08xx rifle has the original style trigger? bob
I'm pretty sure it has the miracle trigger but I'm not 100% sure. I'll have to pull it out of the safe and take a look. I remember it having the serial number in the barrel channel when I had the stock off-examining the barrel band. What do I need to look at to tell a miracle trigger from the first variation? Sorry- I haven't studied the 37 as much as the 40x's(especially the 40x sporters and winchester 52's that I collect) and need a little help sometimes!