Help with picking factory rifle...If you don't mind.

Well if you want to do some more reading on Savage rifles, please check out this site.
I love Savage rifles yes they are not perfect, the factory plastic stocks leave a lot to desire, but there are plenty of aftermarket stocks available, and you can use other factory stocks as well. Savage has the advantage because you can do just about anything you want to the thing if you have a slight bit of mechanical knowledge.

On triggers Sharp Shooter Supply makes a great trigger that adjust down to 12 oz, and rifle basix makes a trigger that will go down to 4oz. Jewel did make a few prototype triggers for a Savage but have abandon the idea, after release of the new target accu-trigger. ( Why I don’t know the target accu-trigger just doesn’t work like advertised) I do know that a manufacture is in process of manufacturing a new bench rest trigger for a Savage, it should be release this year.

There are good and bad with every brand, but you will find that Savage's reputation is they have great out of box accuracy. The factory savage barrels are rough but they shoot great, I have a few of them that shoot in the .3 area.

The fact that the Savage has the twist rate you prefer, it comes in left handed configuration, and they are well made, should sway you to try one. They should be priced a bit better than the Remington, so weigh the options.

Just remember gun brand loyalty is like car brand loyalty, some people like fords and hate Chevy’s, and talk bad about Chevy’s, and vise versa, and remember everyone has an opinion, but opinion is just that an opinion, and remember some have opinions on stuff they have never tied or worked on. I am not saying my opinion is right, and others are wrong, my suggestion is keep an open mind, do research on both, and weigh your options, and pick what you think is best.

I will say one other thing about Savage, right now savage is going through design changes, they have for the last year or so, and the availability of aftermarket stocks is very limited on the newer guns. Therefore, you may look for an older savage. ( more than 2 years old.)
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