I can see where you're coming from on the tools you have tho. If they cost that much, somethings tell'n me they're nice cutters. We've got literally 5 gallon buckets of the wheel types around the shop in various sizes so I just use what's on hand. The only trouble is, I don't have a good supply of the ones for this sort of work unless I take a bigger one and grind it myself and life it just too short for that. I have found myself though spending more and more for all the tooling I use for all my "Government" projects around the shop. When a guy want's to do more than one job with that tool, don't waste yer time gett'n the cheapo version cause all you do is buy 10 of em later. That 1K in 5 tools don't surprise me one bit.
I don't do anywhere near that many barrels. I do my own just cause Shilen won't. There's a big difference between doing one or two here and there in my spare time and being able to get enough done so customers are happy. You'd be starved to death doin em my way, that's fer sure. No Lie, I bet a 12 flute barrel in my 2 axis CNC takes 4 hours. Now, I'm usually working during that time (doing real honest for money work!) so it's not like I'm just standing there waiting for the mill to finish but holy cow, I think I'd sooner go to the dentist. Understand I have to run back and forth from one end of the shop to the other watching two machines at the same time. It's a real hoot.
I do like your eccentric idea for all barrel sizes. That's pretty cool. Especially when you're doing different stuff in lighter contours. Mine are all exactly the same barrels for light guns so my one fixture is all I'll ever need. And seriously, if Shilen would flute them for me, I'd never do it. It's one thing to have a setup and be ready for the job. It's another to re-invent the wheel every time. That'd be ok if I thought making chips was cool but, my days of playing on the mill for fun have been gone since about 1 lifetime ago. I just want it done, whatever the job.
Hey, it's the 40th anniversary World Open this year so make certain you can get up here. I'll buy ya a beer r 3. We're callin the local water'n hole a few weeks before and tell'n em that they better stock up for that weekend with good beer. We've got good people in charge of every aspect of the match and it's gonna be worth the trip. I can't offer you any of that turpentine you guys drink but if ya bring some of it along I'd join ya fer a small spash. There's gonna be a great bunch of prizes again and it'll be spread out probably even better'n it was last year. You know how it goes, always trying to make it better. They make roads that head north ya know, make it a point.