If you want to move your presses around, look into aluminum t tracking like they use on jig tables for cabinetry making. I made a cabinet that locks up with my presses in it. I can add and remove additional presses or put them in 3 different places. This is a really old photo, but if you look close, you will get the idea. I used a router to cut the slots into the countertop and then screwed the t tracking to the metal frame. If you ever make a bench this way, you'll never do it any other way. There is no downside, and it allows you to slide the presses forwards/backwards to take advantage of your workspace. I can work on guns with the presses slid back and also attach powder measures, trimmers, swagers, etc. in front. Eventually I'll have a room with plenty of room for multiple presses, but I'll still do the t tracking.
This is the cabinet closed. I use materials from an old barn to make the cabinet. It really works well.