*HELP*- BAT 3L and 6 Dahser

Ackley Improved

New member
*HELP*- BAT 3L and 6 Dasher


I have myself a BAT 3L 1.365 dual port action which I was planning, and hopefully still planning on using for a 6mmDasher build.

The reamer is a 0.272"NK, 0.125FB.

Now, here is my problem. I put a case in with a 107MK seated and cycled the bolt in the action (no barrel etc), just beacuse I have a new toy. I noticed that as the bolt is cycled the case lifts as it hits the bottom lug area of the receiver, centering it. This lug is the guide to put the round into the chamber.

Now, my problem. Since the projectile is seated out as fair as it is, it appears that the 107MK projectiles tip/point is past the threaded area of the action before it starts lifting on bottom lug area.

It appears to me then, that when the bolt is cycled with a 6mm Dahser round and the 107MK, that the round will hit the back of the barrel before lifting to centre it?

Is this true? I know the back of the barrel has a 25degree angle sue to the coned bolt, but I think this would not be enough to guide, and when the bolt would be cycled quickly would most likely jam the projectile further into the case.


I need to know the answer to this before I have the rifle built.

The stock I have is basic inlet for a BAT 1.365" round action. No bolt handle etc has been cut. If it is a issue, I will look at going to a BAT DS action.

I do have my heart set on the 3L though!

I hope one of you out there can answer this!

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Did a little research myself. The 25 degree cone to match the bolt head should be enough angle for the bullet tip to slide up into the chamber, by then the body of the case should be supported by the lug area of teh receiver.

What do you think? Its a fair angle???



If a 25 degree cone didn't work Bruce would be out of business. Ever thought about what happens to the round when the bullet hits the top of the chamber and has to tip the round down just as the case shoulder hits the cone?

Thanks Dave

Yeah, I realise now about the 25 degree cone. That is heaps and the round will slide up there pretty easy.

It was just strange seeing it without a barrel, and seeing how far forward the projectile sits before the lug area lifts it.

Nothing like a bit of last minute retardation to get you in a frenzy huh!

3lugs & long bullets

I shot my 243 case w/a 3lug last fall & had trouble.The cases were hanging up when I closed the bolt when shooting a fast string.They would jam up about a 1/2" below the shoulder & there was nothing I could do exept pull the bolt back & close it again.I finished the match by sticking the shells into the chamber instead of pushing them in w/the bolt.What Ive found is that w/the long bullets I use (115 DTAC) the loaded rounds tip up at such an angle when entering the chamber that the case head drops below the ejector plunger & will not let the case line up w/the chamber.I ran this by my smith this week,he says he can fix this by putting a little angle on the lower edge of the plunger so the case head can jump ahead of it as the case lines up w/the chamber.It will be a month or 2 before I know how well this works out for me,I do know Im not the 1st person thats had this problem.