Heavy 10 Lathe

Nice looking machine. Well worth the $3400.00. It would be the cats pajamas for chamber work but the bed is too short (22" between centers) for most barrel work. Also a taper attachment would be a welcome feature.
He ain't heavy, father, he's my lathe

The heavy 10 lathe you are looking at will do well if you want to chamber in the headstock which I believe is more common today. If you want to chamber between centers it will not work. If you want to chamber unlimited barrels you will need an unlimited gun that uses a and a barrel that is 1.35" in diameter. A 1.45" barrel will not fit through the spinal hole. Yes a taper attachment is nice but not critical for chambering. I would pass on this lathe and get a heavy 10 with a longer bed. If you are patient you will find one. If you need one now go ahead and get this one. It will do 95% of what you will ever need for a benchrest lathe. Look closely at the tooling. You will spend a lot of money on tooling that is necessary but not included. You will need to install a "spider" on the outside of the spinal of this machine to chamber through the headstock. This is true of all heavy 10 lathes if you plan on chambering in the headstock. Don't worry. This can be done with little trouble. Good luck on your quest. Tim
Here is a little info that may be of value to someone. Both of the older and the newer versions of the H10 lathes had two different size spindle ID's. Most of them had the larger 1.375 (actual 1.390) that would handle 5C collets up to 1.062 but they also offered a smaller spindle ID of 1.00 (actual 1.290) that were designed for a special S.B.#2 collet with a .687 max. capacity. The reason I know this is because I have one of each. The smaller size will handle barrels thru the head stock up to 1.250+ but the extra .100 is nice to have and 5C collet capability is really nice.
Having used both, I would never buy a Heavy 10 less than 48" and
preferably 54" bed with a 1&3/8" thru hole. Kenny
You say tomato I say tomaato

Yikes! Thanks Pat. I meant spindle hole. I am going back to work soon and my mind is elsewhere. I sure hope I don't start thinking spindle when doing a LP and try to force an unlimited barrel into someones spinal canal. Tim
Yikes! Thanks Pat. I meant spindle hole. I am going back to work soon and my mind is elsewhere. I sure hope I don't start thinking spindle when doing a LP and try to force an unlimited barrel into someones spinal canal. Tim

I've heard of computers adjusting their results to the users search patterns, but didn't know that spell checkers did the same thing. ;-)