Heat wave

Bill Gammon

New member
We are suffering a heat wave between 20 degrees F to 40 degrees F in the daytime. I have never sweated this much, (I lye when I say that). Out west they had, last week or 2 weeks ago -43 F, now they have 5 above. This is all F, not our temp.
Global Warming!

150 deg F ambient temp swings here.

One can dress for the cold,you can't dress for the heat!
i recall one spring day here maybe 40 years ago when the temp cracked 100 degrees and by midnight it was snowing.true dat.
back in the earlier70 s i plowed at 25 below in snow storm with no cab 4 times in one day to keep path open to the barn 100 yds. To haul the 40 qt. Milk cans up to milkhouse.to cooler. Sometimes had to pull spreader with 2 tractors or dump if it got two deep.
Got'cha beat Jackie..........

In 7 days, we went from -8 degrees F.......to +82 degrees F.

Like you said.....gotta be some sort of record.:confused:

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Check the Iowa weather history for April 9 , 1973. Blizzard.

I wasn't in Iowa in 1973. It would have been after 1980. All I know is that it was on a Friday and went to a party after work. When I left to go home after midnight there was about an inch of snow on my car.
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In Maine

from yesterday afternoon till right now (3/2 at 17:57 EST) we have had a low of 3F and a high of 18F with pretty constant 15-20 mph wind with gusts to over 30. No power from about 3/2 at 03:00 till about 11:00 then a brief shot of grid juice then gone again. Power companies can't use their boom trucks in such high winds. Will have to wait till tomorrow.

Our solar panel system is working great, delivering over 25 Kwh today and the Tesla battery kept us warm in the early AM today. Running the Yam-hammer generator right now to save the battery charge till we turn in. Just another Winter day in Maine!!
Did the cold cause any problems at the shop or at your home?


Mort, I had one small copper pipe break in our utility room, which is on the very north side of the house. On the first night of the below 20 degree temps, I turned the water off at the meter and tried to drain every pipe.

Our new house is very well insulated, including all of the attic pipes.

We had several busted pipes in two of our four buildings at my Shop. They were easy to fix, though.
from yesterday afternoon till right now (3/2 at 17:57 EST) we have had a low of 3F and a high of 18F with pretty constant 15-20 mph wind with gusts to over 30. No power from about 3/2 at 03:00 till about 11:00 then a brief shot of grid juice then gone again. Power companies can't use their boom trucks in such high winds. Will have to wait till tomorrow.

Our solar panel system is working great, delivering over 25 Kwh today and the Tesla battery kept us warm in the early AM today. Running the Yam-hammer generator right now to save the battery charge till we turn in. Just another Winter day in Maine!!

Yeah? Well, here in NW Florida, it got chilly enough for me to put on a long sleeved tee shirt and socks.

My son cut me some hedge I burnt in the basement in a stove. Pops a little but its hard to beat for heat. Sure made the house warmer. Doug
mort, i had one small copper pipe break in our utility room, which is on the very north side of the house. On the first night of the below 20 degree temps, i turned the water off at the meter and tried to drain every pipe.

Our new house is very well insulated, including all of the attic pipes.

We had several busted pipes in two of our four buildings at my shop. They were easy to fix, though.
if you leave the water drip a little it will keep line from freezing.