Head count!


Well-known member
I would like to see how many air rifle benchrest shooters we have out there and how many of those are interested in competing.

I can't seem to find many air gun clubs in my area and I wonder if there is much opportunity for air gunners to compete.

If you are an air gunner and would like to compete please respond to this thread so you can be counted.

Thank you.

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Air rifle BR clubs are few and far between. Most of them kinda keep to themselves...meaning they are not too willing to travel to an event if they have a place nearby to shoot once in a while. There are some homeless shooters like myself that have nothing within a 12 hours drive. They look forward to a once a year get together for a National event to get to do what they enjoy with other like minded folks. The guys that have clubs nearby don’t really realize that their unwillingness to travel outside their club is detrimental to the sport because fewer and fewer events take place that the homeless can look forward to attending.

I’m interested in 50y Benchrest and am willing to travel. I have no choice.

Airgun Competitions

Here in Washington state, we hold outdoor matches at a local range (within 30 minute drive) during the sunny months and indoor matches at a range a bit over an hour drive away during the rainy months.

I am hoping to get enough interest in holding 50 yard outdoor matches at our local range.

I am also willing to travel to other matches.

Need A Place to Shoot BR

I would like in compete in Airgun BR competition but lack of any organized shoots near by (3-4 HRS) makes it near impossible. 50BR would make a great platform ( many more Venues) if Airguns where allowed.


I sure would like to go to airgun Benchrest matches!

I'm just starting into this particular gun sport and it looks like I'll be particpating in future events once I get the proper equipment to be competitive.

I have to travel at least 3 hours right now but am willing to go much farther.
Please add Airgun to ARA matches

I have been running ARA matches for years at Sunnyvale. There are quite a few clubs in Nor Cal that put on the matches. Yet there are no clubs that run airgun benchrest matches. Although I still shoot rimfire benchrest (if my club was not closed to the public) my interest has shifted to all things airgun. Field Target primarily, but would love to get back into airgun benchrest and compete against the rimfire guys. Hopefully the powers that be read these threads because it would be great to shoot airguns at my and others ARA matches.

Dana Wyse
no body is stating where they are from ?
or if they have checked the list of clubs at USARB https://www.usairriflebenchrest.com/clubs/
when i was younger i would travel clear across the country for national events
now having to travel a long ways is a problem for some of us older shooters
so a cpl of us started our own club per USARB rules and conditions
and anytime you are in this part of the world you are welcome to join us http://redwoodsairgunclub.com/
no body is stating where they are from ?
or if they have checked the list of clubs at USARB https://www.usairriflebenchrest.com/clubs/
when i was younger i would travel clear across the country for national events
now having to travel a long ways is a problem for some of us older shooters
so a cpl of us started our own club per USARB rules and conditions
and anytime you are in this part of the world you are welcome to join us http://redwoodsairgunclub.com/


You make a good point. Many of us are in the same boat. Just looking at the list of clubs I wonder how up to date the list is?

How would you guys feel about allowing air rifles to compete in IR 50 and ARA matches?

This would expand shooting opportunities and allow us to learn from one another.

More shooters(maybe), more matches, more working on skills, sounds like a win, win, win friend Harper.
Airgun BR looks a bit stale as does much of RFBR, what harm could a little cross pollination do?
Paul, from Michigan

I've traveled all over the midwest, the east and the southeast for centerfire and rimfire BR now I'm into airgun BR via USARB. they have registered classes and registered ranges and targets... (with membership you have privileges). What I mean is if i choose to go to another club than my home club and it is a registered club, I can expect to shoot under the same scoring, the same targets, the same match procedures, and the same rules. I ran the USARB outside 25 meter and 50 yard matches last year (covid19) summer for Southern Michigan Gun Club, ie SMGC. I will continue to do so next spring if I'm given the chance. Even with the restrictions that Covid and the evil dictator in Michigan put in place, we had some good attendance and some very good shooting. We had a few guys travel from PA, IN, and IL. The fella that came from PA twice was traveling because he wanted registered matches. Having shot 100, 200, and 300 centerfire, and 50 yard rimfire I am of the belief that true precision Airgun BR is limited to a max of 50 meters, after that distance there is a lot of hope and pray involved, mixed with lots of luck. I know, "The more I practice the luckier I get". Remember we are talking 177, 20 and 22 pellets.

More to come, I have to go to work now.
I think the RFBR guys and the 25 and 50m air rifle BR guys think similarly. I would love to be able to compete in ARA and IR 5050 matches with air and slugs. It would give the air guys a lot more places to compete.

I think that’s the point for Tony’s thread.
Michael, how many 22 guns shooting slugs do you figure are out there these days?
IR 50 Unlimited matches

I have spoken to Jason Frymier, owner of IR 50 and he is willing to allow air rifles to compete in IR 50 unlimited matches.

I understand there is a Light Varmint and Heavy varmint classes in air rifles I would guess if the air rifle weights less than 10.5 lbs it could be shot in the 10.5 lb class with rimfires and the HV air rifles that weight under 13.5lbs could compete in the IR 50 13.5 lb. class. I will try to confirm this with Jason.

Although the IR 50 schedule isn't up for 2021 yet this is where it can be found when it is posted. http://www.ir5050.com/schedule/

This will instantly provide more opportunities for BR Air rifles to compete.

I have been watching these high powered air rifles on you tube and it looks like this could turn into some serious competition.

As Tim said this is a win win for everyone.

I have also spoken to Dan Killough of ARA, he did not commit. But said he would think about it. If we can bring him around that would

open up a ton of matches and venues for BR air rifles.

Please understand I'm a dye in the wool rimfire guy, and I have no commercial interest in Air Rifles, but I love shooting and competing.

We have lost and continue to loose shooters every year. We need to join together to ensure we all have venues and matches to attend.

Please spread the word to all your shooting buddies so we can see just how much interest we have.

Tim...the slug and accuracy game is in its infancy. It’s just been about 6 months since I have personally been working on getting something to be BR competitive. Lots of guys shooting slugs out there...but they have not been shooting good BR scores with them at 50. Pellets have been more accurate, but drift is 2.5 times more in the wind. I have just recently been able to shoot 250s with slugs... they have been lacking the accuracy. I’m certain they will continue to get better. I have about a dozen of these setups on order from guys that are very competitive and very excited to have something that is able to be accurate at 50 in typical match wind....very close to Rimfire. The slugs I’m shooting are 40gr and have a similar BC to a Rimfire Bullet.

Tony...the LV, HV air guns are only comparable to Rimfire in weight. In air, there is also a power restriction that would make them unsuitable for 50y. People could shoot them at. 50, but it would not be much fun or even remotely competitive.

It is great that IR 50 is letting air rifles compete. First just want to commend Mike for his passion and persistence for showing those interested what an air rifle can accomplish both with pellets and now with slugs. Second, manufactures sadly have no clue what true accuracy involves, I own 4 of them.

With all that is happening we are fortunate to have good turnouts in both air rifle and rimfire here at the grove. We have at least 5 interested in shooting air at 50y.

Personally I enjoy both and get frustrated with both at times.

Hopefully more will become passionate.

I am a 25M air rifle BR shooter. Nearest matches are 4 hours drive from me. That is just too far to attend on any regular basis. The matches are on Sundays and I have obligations with my church. I have resigned to shoot one match a year, preferably a national match. Having one real good match really is something to work towards. Mike N is doing a great job of breaking new barriers with the slugs in air rifles at 50 yd. If rimfire clubs would allow slug air rifles at 50 yds this would open up matches right in my own state(Arkansas).
Would like to see a 50Y Pellet BR !

Have Two Ranges (Indoor/25 Benches & Outdoor 26 Benches ) Never shot or seen a 50yard Pellet Rifle or Match ;Shot IR50 UL matches last season here @ ChickenFoot and would be receptive to incorporating the Pellet Rifles here with IR50 UL!
Have Two Ranges (Indoor/25 Benches & Outdoor 26 Benches ) Never shot or seen a 50yard Pellet Rifle or Match ;Shot IR50 UL matches last season here @ ChickenFoot and would be receptive to incorporating the Pellet Rifles here with IR50 UL!


That is good news. That will open up more opportunities for these high powered air rifles to be used.

I'm like you I have never seen a 50 yard Air rifle but I'm told they are out there.

Maybe someone will come on and tell us a little about these rifles. How they work and what makes them special.

Here’s a pic of my rifle and 3 cards shot with it a few days ago. Also a pic of the projectile. I’m shooting around 850 FPS and these produce a measured BC of around .130. Pretty close to the typical Rimfire bullet.

The most attractive difference is that these swaged slugs cost about 2.5c each...so 50 of them is around $1.25. These slugs are made by the end user so you have complete control over what you get instead of relying on a manufacturer. I’m still in the process of tweaking the slugs to find the best performance.



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