Head cheeze, Calfee



My friends:

Big Indoor, Unlimited this week-end.....man, I love these big Nationals!

I love liverwrust, but, I just came in from a little trip......I live in Borden, Corydon is a small city about 35 miles south/west of me, then about 7 miles south of Corydon on Hwy 135 is a little country grocery store that has some killer head cheeze....man...

I got six thick slices of head cheeze, and, 6 medium slices of Pepper Jack...I got some Georgia sweet onion, some red onion and some rye and brown bread...

I can't wait till this weekend for the big Indoor Unlimited....

As my buddy Mike Sherrill says, Man, I love this game!

Good luck to all who compete......

PS...most of you folks probably don't know what head cheeze is....I didn't either till a hunting buddy of mine, Lawerence Parson, about 35 years ago, introduced me to it...it's killer!

Oh, and I absolutely refuse to use any of that stuff they call "beer".....well........

Man, what a time to be a rimfire benchrester.....

Your friend, Bill Calfee
After they get all the meat off the animal, they scrape out all the gooey stuff that is caught up in the nooks and crannys. It's o.k. if you spread it real thin on a very thick cracker. But I did get some once that even my dogs would barely eat. They pulled their lips way back so they did not get any of it on them, and then just sorta inhaled it. Personally, I'd rather go with the Lindburger.........not
Learned about 'head cheese' on the History Channel.

Looks and sounds pretty disgusting!

This is one time I will not back you up.
Head Cheeze

I don't know for sure if it is the same thing but down here in LA(lower Alabama) we call it hog head cheeze. The real name is souse. It is made in a loaf with pickled food, esp. the feet, ears, and head of a pig. You can get it mild, hot, or very hot. We eat it on crackers with hot sauce. Don't knock it if you have never tried it. Mickey;)
Here in NC we call it souse meat. My mother made it and it was killer. Her's had a lot of lean meat from the head of the hog which she painstakingly took hours to clean before cooking the meat off the bone. It was very firm, we'd slice it and put it in vinegar to pickle it a bit. Boy that stuff with some fresh collards was some good eating. I never had the nerve to try the stuff they have in the store. It looks nothing like what my mother made.
Souse - Y'all

Yes, for some reason the south calls it by it's Dutch name - souse. And as with many German foods, vinigar can be added. I hear it is also good melted into hot grits (if you like grits).

Here we go again - another offal & poultry feed thread!

Can't you afford cuts from behind the neck & in front of the tail? :D
I'd just

as soon go get a big tin of cat gut(potted meat), some real cheese and crackers and feast on that, river style. Living in the South all my life I've tried about everything and like it, but when I left home and got a job I decided that there were better things to eat than that. You wouldn't want to be around me after I ate that anyway. It works quicker and stronger on me than Beans work on Butch Hongisto. If you ever sat next to or near Butch after his feasting on Beans at a match you know what I mean.:eek::D:p
Friend John Kielly

Friend John:

I quote from you: "Can't you afford cuts from behind the neck & in front of the tail?"

No sir.......

My friends, I know it's only Thursday but I just couldn't wait so I took one of them thick slices of my head cheeze, a slice of pepper jack, cut a big slice of that sweet Georgia onion, spread on some spicy mustard and I've just finished dinner.....man, it was killer......oh, I had a diet Dr. Pepper with it...

Someone mentioned potted meat.....man, I love that stuff....on crackers with a bottle of pop.....when I attended College in North Carolina, don't laugh, I actually did, although I didn't learn nothing, all I eat was potted meat and crackers......only had $5 a week for grub.....so I developed a taste for good potted meat and crackers....

Just got off the phone with Roger von Ahrens......he's pretty excited about his new muzzle device.....we discussed an attachment system for centerfire folks that does away with threading the muzzle.

I know there's no way I'd ever thread the muzzle of a good rimfire barrel, nor turn the muzzle down in diameter........

Man, I can't wait till the Indoor Unlimited starts....hope I've got some of this head cheeze left by then.......again, good luck to everyone.

Your friend, Bill Calfee
Well-friend Bill, I Just Didn't Know

Bill, had I known you'd matriculated in the SOUTH I'd been exceedling kind from the beginning. I grew up butchering beef & hogs( we scalded & scraped the hair off the hides) . Everything was processed on site. Sausage was ground & seasoned & some of it was cooked & eaten that day. Ham's were salted away and all was fine. I've killed & butchered many deer as well, but in all cases I have no appetite for any of that fresh product. I have to wait a couple of weeks, at least, before I can bury the smell in my mind. That "sho" goes for souse meat & chitllin's . as far as potted meat, it's better than steak. Matter of fact I was in Walmart today and saw a gallon jar of pickled eggs. I was tempted, but suspose I ate 4-5 without a snoot-full of beer, why--I don't know what the gut would say. Lord, isn't this a world away from Miami Beach, Manhattan, South Bend, or Chapel Hill. I wonder if Hoke ever {chases} souse meat with Black Jack. I don't think there's any chance of cacthin the flu with all that good stuf on your breath. Best wishes for a well fed weekend. Glynn
Head Cheese !!!!

As a Northern boy - head cheese was the poor mans lunch meat in the "old" days and every fall we made up a batch after we butchered the hogs in the fall, along with scrapple. Last I saw it at the store it was $6.59 a lb., that is not poor mans lunch meat anymore. Best way to eat it for me is just a 1/4" slice on plain white bread(nothing else). Critical in making head cheese is the amount of vinager used. Anyone eat uncastrated pigs anymore, those old bores sure smelled up the kitchen when the meat was fried every now and then "fresh" bacon has a little of that smell. The smell is 10 times worst than the worst deer or moose shot at the height of the rut. Thank you ,for allowing me to remember just a little of my history. P.S. almost all things hand made, home butchered or home cooked, taste or feel better as you can always go back and remember when you shot it, butchered it ,made it or planted it.
Friends Glynn and Yukon

My friends, everyone who's posted..

Some sweet memories fo sure.....thanks..

JUst talked to DJ Hepler at the Indoor Nats...the Ohio gang is there, looks like at least three relays.....going to be awesome!

I know one thing, my old buddy Jerry Graves sure ain't about to let no body shooting a pistol beat him........again.

Jerry is one of the absolute best shooters in the world.

I've got a list of shooters, about a dozen, who I'd like to see shoot a heads-up match, side by side, same relay, same conditions and see who is KING!
I'd like to see them shoot an ARA target, an RBA target and an IR target. Then call the winner THE KING or THE QUEEN, of ALL RIMFIRE BENCREST
(oh, there is a way to shoot all three targets and come up with one winner, we did this down at Jackie's money match in Kentucky...worked perfect)

I'd make someone mad if I listed my twelve...........

My friends, who would be on your list?

Your friend, Bill Calfee
potted meat a staple..

When i was growing up, potted meat was a staple..hard to beat a good can of "lips and peckers" on lite bread!


I doubt it. I saw an old recipe for golden arches burger years ago before people got choosy & that was in it along with teats, lungs & snouts.

I made the mistake once of reading what all goes into souse. I can never look at it the same way again now.
Well Bored--

-- if'n you growed up in impovished Alerbama you'd understand why we could waste nuttin. Momma would scrape that ol hogs haid, being careful not to puncture an eye ball. then she"d add salt, black pepper,crushed peppers and vinegar till it wuz fit to eat. didn't waste nuttin but the squell