Has anyone


Steve Lloyd
heard how Scotty Hebert and Ken Harper faired through the Hurricane??? I do know they were in harms way when it went in. Hope the Good Lord Spared them from any harm.:confused:
Scotty sent me a text on Tuesday stating that he had minimal damage but his neighbor had major damage. Tuesday, he still did not have any power. I haven't heard anything about Doc or Randy Leger.

Thanks for the news.Hope they all are ok.Please keep us posted if you hear any more. Only met Scotty once but he was ok.
Ditto Dan Killough,
Got the same text. He's OK! Sounds like his neighbors house is upside down and a total loss. I tried calling this evening on his cell and couldn't get through.


Doc, Ken Harper, lives in the Alexandria area, about a 100 miles north of Scotty. Don't think they had the same kind of damage there. Scotty's place is a lot closer to the coast line where the storm came ashore. Still, hope everything is well with all of them.

We had 30 to 40 kt winds Gusting to around 50 kts from time to time through the whole thing for about 16 hrs. Whole lot of rain with very minimal tree damage. Just a big pain to pick up all the limbs and crap, but it's done! Scotty and those guys got it pretty much head on. I'm sure they will be back in form shortly. Thanks for asking Wallace!
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Steve, hey buddy good to hear from you. We are all okay here , we had 90-105 winds , i had very minimum damage to my home a few shingles and 8 pieces of siding. My generator ran my entire house, never lost any luxuries. Randy and his family are all okay too, he gad shingle damage also. looks like we will wait and see what happens with the other hurricanes that are in the atlantic right now .. I hated to leave the nationals in st louis, but hey i did what i had to do.... there is allways next year... family comes first .. may God bless you ......your friend Scotty
Glad to hear you and yours are ok and that you had minimal damage.
Glad Everything is OK


Was thinking about you and family once I saw y'all were in the path of that monster, plus as you stated there's always next year for the Nationals.

You didn't practice in those 105 mph winds did you? If you did I would really like to know if your scope had enough windage adjustment or did you have to hold off? Glad you're all fine!

Glad ya'll are OK Scotty, I knew I should have come to the Nats I could have beat you...........Maybe...........Well maybe not.:D
You didn't practice in those 105 mph winds did you? If you did I would really like to know if your scope had enough windage adjustment or did you have to hold off? Glad you're all fine!


Hmmm....wonder what the hold off would be for a 105 mph 9 oclock wind?

You didn't practice in those 105 mph winds did you? If you did I would really like to know if your scope had enough windage adjustment or did you have to hold off?

(Using a probably copywrighted phrase)..."now that was funny, I don't care who you are." I hope Scotty thought the same. I'm just glad that they are all OK. That is the most important thing.
