Noth Fork
Wolfs do not belong in montana or idaho. where i live they have almost killed of all the moose i can kill a bear a deer a mountain lion abig horn sheep elk white tail deer mule deer off my back porch i see 30 or more elk every week in my back pasture. the wolfs have push the elk out of the high contry and down on the flats to have there calfs.I have a pack of ten wolfs be hind my place last spring they ran my horses though a fence and one of my horse's got cut up. We would lose a hound every now and then running cats and bears now the wolfs kill a few hounds every year. five years ago i saw 7. seven by seven bulls behind my place this year i saw theree bulls the bigest was a rag horn 5 so far this year i have 5 spikes in my back pasture no mature bulls at all.