Charles, Either of my Harrel's can be sensitive also, to the amount of powder in the bottle, to a lesser or greater degree, depending on powder. I've only been shooting 3 yrs, but I've done several things that's eliminated the problem. First thing I did was to place a medium sized funnel in the bottle and keep it 1/2 to 2/3 full of powder. That helped a bit, but as the powder reached a certain level, the problem was back, just not as big a variation. Next, I added Hart's baffle, that's sold for the Harrel's measures. That made a bigger positive difference. I put one in a Redding measure also and it worked great there, too. Lastly, I did a little research, and found out who manufactured the pill bottles that Sinclair sells. I contacted them and found that the make bottles twice as large. Unfortunately, I think I had to buy 24 or 48. Can't remember, though I do have the receipt somewhere. They weren't cheep, but I no longer notice that issue of inconsistency in throws, and I don't have to fill the bottle as often. Cheers, Charles