Happy Thanksgiving

Doug Penttinen

Just wanted to wish everyone and there families a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday this year from our home here in TEXAS... I know for alot of us the hammer has fallen hard but I hope that the new year will begin well for all of us and that it will bring great pleasures and happiness to all of our friends, families and neighbors alike.
So while at the dinner table say that little prayer to remember what our country and our freedom is all about. Speak of the loved ones that we still can hold and the ones we have lost. Speak from your heart of what you are thankful for, enjoy the day, the jokes, the laughter and the memories. And most of all be thankful that we live in the U.S.A and can fly the Red White & Blue

Happy Thanksgiving to all

Doug Penttinen
Member of the N.B.R.S.A & I.B.S
Dallas, Texas
I'm thankful I had the time I was given with my Dad; Richard A. Dubey Sr. We lost him on November 11th 2009 (last week) on Veteran's day after complications from Chemo. He was a Decorated Vietnam Veteran, Crew Chief and Doorgunner in Cu Chi Vietnam from 1967-68. He was with the 269th Combat Aviation Battalion (The Black Barons).

He took me shooting when I was around 7 or 8 years old and the bug has never left me. I still have the first two rifles I ever shot; a .22 cal Stevens Crackshot 26 and a Marlin 336 .30-30

He worked for the City Of Bristol Public Works Dept. in Connecticut for 34 years. By the time he retired he was the Head Mechanic for the Town.

I'm truly thankful to have known such a great man. From him I learned the value of family, friends, hard work, perseverance, and determination. From him I got to experience loyalty, bravery, guidance and love.

The last thing we did together was spend a day at the range shooting 2 weeks before he passed away. The weather was beautiful, the leaves had changed, the mountain looked like it was on fire from the colors.

Of this. I am thankful.

Thank you Dad.

Richard A. Dubey Jr.
Thanks Doug

We tend to gripe and complain most of the year about what is wrong with everything, forgetting that there is a whole lot of "right" in all of our lives, and we all have a lot to be thankful about.

May all of our friends stay healthy, and remember what this unique American Holiday is supposed to represent. ........jackie
I am thankful for...

The feral hogs have left my friend's ranch and are now back in Washington DC
where they belong. My 3 year old grand daughter who quoted her father during the summer drought: "Dammit! why doesn't it rain here?" Georgia, you got your wish this Oct. with one month of rain. We are all awaiting your comment on this hopefully at the Thanksgiving meal. My son's wife who keeps him in line. Ha! Get used to it whipped boy. I did. My good benchrest friends. May all your groups be small but not as small as mine. Tim
Happy Thanksgiving to each and every one of you fine people here on benchrest.com.
It has been a great experience just trying to absorb a small portion of the knowledge that is posted here!
Happy Thanksgiving America, from the Canadian bench shooting community.

happy thanksgiving to all.
thanks for your help
and for putting up with me

mike in co