Hannah Bunker takes 3rd at Maine States 100yd

Dick Grosbier

Club Coordinator
Also of interest I understand Randy Jarvais with 250-20x Creedmored Wayne France with 20x putting Randy First and Wayne Second.

Hannah was shooting a 6PPC . Congratulations to Hannah who has shot 250's before but I believe this is probably her best finish in a major match.

Reliable sources tell me David Apple still on a winning streak shot the only 250 in Hunter Class

More info when Randy Jarvais sends it.

I wish I could have been there to see all my Maine friends but the wife had other plans for me.

Maine States

Way to go Hannah, great shooting and also congrats to Randy and Wayne. Wayne you know you are always #1 in my book.:D:D

Congrats to Randy, my good buddy Wayne and Hannah on the good shooting and to Maddog for his awesome shooting with the hunter gun, Dave is shooting lights out with great scores. You and wayne finish the deal and bring the home today. Steve
And as far as I have heard,

Also of interest I understand Randy Jarvais with 250-20x Creedmored Wayne France with 20x putting Randy First and Wayne Second.

Hannah was shooting a 6PPC . Congratulations to Hannah who has shot 250's before but I believe this is probably her best finish in a major match.

Reliable sources tell me David Apple still on a winning streak shot the only 250 in Hunter Class

More info when Randy Jarvais sends it.

I wish I could have been there to see all my Maine friends but the wife had other plans for me.


David does not plan on coming to the Score Nationals. Got a hot Hunter Gun and a "in the hunt" VFS gun and he won't shoot the Nats? What is that about? No "cohones"?
The Lads got er done !

Anybody who has ever shot Augusta can tell you that 200 @ Augusta is no walk in the park. Prior to a couple of years ago there had been damn few 250's shot at 200 there,. We had one day in when she "Laid Down " and a few got shot that day. I shot beside Wayne all weekend and he flat had er figured out.

David is certainly impressive with his new 6X rifle. He acts as if he has been shooting 6 power all his life! I wish him the very best and hope more of you folks who think you couldn't do it will give it a try. We desporately need more people to join us to keep the 6 power classes living. I believe you would find it every bit as challenging and enjoyable as you do VFS.

Herb did some fine shooting as well. I hope more of you will join us nest year.Perhaps we could get a "Shore Dinner" catered if enough come up.
Hannah's rifle

this weekend was an old Rem 700 series in a sleve and the old fashioned wooden stock. It is an Antique BUT both Hannah and her Antique rifle were up to the task and clicking. She is a wonderful young lady, great sport and hard worker at the matches. She is shooting that old antique better than she did her "Modern" rifle.
Reliable sources say....

that K.L. Miller has registered for the nationals and will be giving lessons :eek:. Also, Dave Thomas will not be attending as he wants to save his barrel. :p