Hall firing pin removal



I have a friend who just got a Hall model M action which He intends to chamber as a 6PPC and glue into a stock. He asked me if I would try to find out how to get the firing pin assy. out of the bolt. I thought Kleinendorst made a tool like 700s but I don't recall. Not having seen one and not knowing anyone who owns one I thought I would ask here. I did a couple searches here and found no results. Is it easier than he's making it? Thanks
I bought one from Sinclair's when my first Hall rifle came along eight years ago, but I do not see it in their current catalog. Think Klinedorst made it. Call Sinclair's and ask if they still have the Hall tool. If not, Bruno's or Haydon may have it. Just don't try to remove the main spring. I finally had to have a gunsmith change the spring.
I recently had to change my spring. I just took a punch that fit in the small hole that is in the bottom of the cocking piece. I pulled back on the cocking piece and unscrewed the backend of the bolt just by pulling back on the punch each time it spun around. You need to check if that same hole is tapped or not. If the hole is tapped you will have to unscrew a small set screw out of the cocking piece hole. If it is an older action and it is not tapped, you will have to knock the roll pin down inside of the pin so the pin can be unscrewed and removed. Once you got that done the firing pin can be unscrewed by hand form the shroud it is in. When you put it back together there is a small witness mark on the collar of the fire pin that will line up with the bottom.
You really do not need any special tool to do this. Hope that helps.
I have a hall

They have a Stout spring and I wouldn't recommend trying to take a firing mechenism out without the proper tool to do so. Mr Hall probably has the tools in stock if Sinclair doesn't.