gunsmith needed



I was hoping someone could help me find a gunsmith by the name of Nobby Uno. I was told my my Dad and uncle that if I ever needed work done that he was the man to get.
I was hoping someone could help me find a gunsmith by the name of Nobby Uno. I was told my my Dad and uncle that if I ever needed work done that he was the man to get.

Nobby lives up in Courtenay, B.C. and I don't believe he is taking on new customers... I believe he is doing limited work for a few regulars.

Your name rings a bell with me... many years ago two Forsland brothers cleaned everyones clock in the Canadian Benchrest world. Are you from B.C.?
that was my dad and my uncle. Now that they are gone I'm trying to find a gunsmith to help me with a few projects. They were old freinds with Nobby and always said that if I ever needed help he would be a good one to start with.
were you a fellow compeditor with my Dad and uncle?
I didn't really know them... The first Super Shoot held in Canada at Namaka in Alberta was won by one of them, the other came in second I think... I was at the shoot. Bill Leeper is a great gunsmith who shot with them and knew them well... he is out in your area but I know he is limiting what he does as well...
would you know if I could find him on this website? Or what town he might be in.
You may want to ask Dennis to help you out, he is an experianced Gunsmith, and has built many accuracy base firearms.