Gunsmith making own reamers



I recently heard a strange and very hard to believe story about a very well known gunsmith that claims to buy his reamers oversize in order to do a better job at sizing them than the reamer manufacturers. I cant see how any gunsmith could make claim to bettering the likes of Kiff or Manson. Id be interested to hear some thoughts on this.

What you need is a universal tool grinder, various wheels, and of course, the know how to use it all.

Someone wanting to finish grind his own reamers probably isn't as strange as it might appear at first glance. There is always that want that every craftsman has to "do it just a little better".

I have a nice Universal Tool Grinder, it is gathering dust in our shop. I have no desire to "improve" one of Dave's Reamers.......jackie
I find it hard to believe he can make it much better if at all. That being the case how could it be worth the time involved.
PTG is all one needs to know about the manufacturing process of or re-grinding reamers.

Dave Kiff all the way.
I own a Cincinnatti #2 tool and cutter grinder. With the right tooling and know how, a man can use it for just what you're talking about. That's what it's made for. I don't use it for that and don't think I would ever want to try to compete with established reamer makers for my livelihood doing it, but a person can make reamers, end mills and the like on it. We are blessed to have people like Dave Kiff that cater to us and are talented enough to provide us with the quality reamers that they do.--Mike Ezell
I think that Kiff's reamers are so good because he uses CNC cutter grinders. Manual machines are dinosaurs in most metalworking processes.
I realize that Jackie does special jobs that are not adaptable to CNC but smaller, new items like reamers, receivers, etc. are where they excell.

Opinion of one...
Gunsmith making reamers

Kiff in my book. His cut on all flutes.
some of the others are hit and miss.
My take on this when I heard it was a guy that wants to give the impression he's a cut above the rest. Full of I think is the word we're looking for.
if that gunsmith would order his reamers from Hugh Henriksen he would get what he specifies and expects. the big benchrest shops, like Kelblys, use Henriksen. they will cut on all 6 flutes and are exact.

but there is no reason why a gunsmith that is proficient at tool and cutter grinding and has something like a #2 Cincinnati-Milacron and a scope can't do just as well. both Kiff and Manson have ground some awfully good reamers as well.
If this fellow can grind his own reamers, why pay for a finished
reamer to start with, just make the whole thing. Sounds like false
economy to me
To me

It's each to his own... Manson charges extra for something custom. An look at it this way, at least this gunsmith can make what he wants. You can't, Right! Make a Headspace Gage for a .30-30 Winchester rimless. I could buy one, but for me, it's more fun to make one. My Crystal Lake grinder loves that kind of stuff. Mark
I believe it 100% and find it strange some of you think all your reamers are perfect.