Gun box for my Pickup truck


Active member
After looking on line at custom gun boxes for my pickup truck and seeing how expensive they are, i am wanting to build my own, or have one made. What i am wanting to do is build a storage box that will sit under my topper on the floor of my truck bed. I want to have two 6' x 2' pull out drawers. On one side i want to be able to place two rifles up right in a cradle mount, and on the other side i want to make cradles for my flags, cleaning solvents, bench chair, rain gear and so on. Basically a cabinet for the truck bed that i can keep all my gear in while traveling. Of course it needs to be lockable. The topper is lockable but the box needs to be as well. These things already built are about 1000 bucks and i think i can build it for less than half that but i need a set of plans or something. I am not what i would call crafty with wood, but if i can figure out a way to make the long drawers open easily, and smooth i think i can handle the rest of it. Have any of you fellas done any such thing? I want to build this the full contour of the bed so i can put other items on top of this box without having crap fall down beside it or worse, behind it!
I live about 20 min away from the Amish community, and i may see what i can pay Levi to build this box for me, but i still need a set of plans. If no one has any plans, is there anyone here that can make a set of plans for me. I could throw something together myself, but it needs to be readable to the craftsman, if i choose to go this route. This route may prove to be just as expensive as what i can buy one for, so i am still unsure as what i need to do to accomplish all this. The ones i see offered online do not really have all the features i am wanting, so i feel like i am going to have to build this or have it built. I dont think the ones online will be tall enough anyway so that my rifles ride upright in a cradle. Any ideas? Thanks Lee
If you are in Amish country, you dont need a set of plans. You just need to visit them and tell them exactly what you want.
A very simple pencil sketch (not plan) would work just fine for anyone competent enough to do the job. However it will probably cost more than you expect to have someone else build it.
check your pms
Thats right on the money.
Lee if you dont like their price you can simply print the sketch of the one you like and take it to the cabinet maker. However I can pretty much assure you unless you find one who is retired its going to cost about as much or much more than what you see here.
The slides alone are $100 or more per set for that length and weight.
Not sure what a topper is? a truck cap? tonneu cover? You basically need a cabinet maker....and they ain't cheap, and that kind of hardware will be expensive. I would put that money in a trailer, complete with reloading bench, cleaning table, satellite dish, mini-fridge , bunks , and A/C. Also, that custom box may not fit your future truck.
Not a bad idea LHSmith. A shoot trailer may be the way to go. I guess this is like everything else we like. Expensive! I saw a guy one time back when i was shooting sporting clays and he had exactly what i am wanting for the pick up. It looked custom made as it had Rino Lining sprayed over the top and sides of the box. It looked ideal! No hurry for anything really. Its to dam Hot here to shoot anyway! 98 degrees with 85 percent humidity. Not pleasant at all!! Lee

LH, ''Topper'' is redneck for truck cap i guess. Cab high, full cap, Is what i am referring to.
Yep LH is saying what I have been saying for years. I just have not gotten there yet. Its been 100+ here lately. Right now at 9:30 its still 93.
After looking on line at custom gun boxes for my pickup truck and seeing how expensive they are, i am wanting to build my own, or have one made. What i am wanting to do is build a storage box that will sit under my topper on the floor of my truck bed. I want to have two 6' x 2' pull out drawers. On one side i want to be able to place two rifles up right in a cradle mount, and on the other side i want to make cradles for my flags, cleaning solvents, bench chair, rain gear and so on. Basically a cabinet for the truck bed that i can keep all my gear in while traveling. Of course it needs to be lockable. The topper is lockable but the box needs to be as well. These things already built are about 1000 bucks and i think i can build it for less than half that but i need a set of plans or something. I am not what i would call crafty with wood, but if i can figure out a way to make the long drawers open easily, and smooth i think i can handle the rest of it. Have any of you fellas done any such thing? I want to build this the full contour of the bed so i can put other items on top of this box without having crap fall down beside it or worse, behind it!
I live about 20 min away from the Amish community, and i may see what i can pay Levi to build this box for me, but i still need a set of plans. If no one has any plans, is there anyone here that can make a set of plans for me. I could throw something together myself, but it needs to be readable to the craftsman, if i choose to go this route. This route may prove to be just as expensive as what i can buy one for, so i am still unsure as what i need to do to accomplish all this. The ones i see offered online do not really have all the features i am wanting, so i feel like i am going to have to build this or have it built. I dont think the ones online will be tall enough anyway so that my rifles ride upright in a cradle. Any ideas? Thanks Lee

So, did the pictures even peak a bit of interest in doing a trailer rather than boxes in your truck?

I made one for my truck out of aluminum. It's not lockable but my tailgate locks and I have a hard cover for the bed that locks. I can't figure out this pic attachment.
Email me and I will send some pics and basic plans. Cost me around 450.00 in materials.

I would like to have a trailer of course but i think a lathe will be my next big purchase. Unless i run across a deal on a trailer i cant refuse. Used enclosed trailers sell like crazy around here, and they are a bit hard to find. Lee