Al, before you go, I have never mentioned unions. My day job for 40 years was with Eastman Kodak and Eastman Chemical Division who were very very non-union. Besides, I was salary paid and not eligible to partake in unions even if one came by!!!
As to your comment :the fight is here in the streets". What are you going to do, riot like Kiev or Istanbul? Bad idea!!
The fight, as plainly stated by our Constitution, is in Washington, or should be. The US Congress has the SWORN duty to regulate trade and tariffs. In doing that, Congress needs to level the playing field, not by bringing US wages DOWN to third world wages, but to bring US originated jobs back home AND bring the US troops back home.
Protect our Southern borders with the US troops that are now in 180 different countries and 900 foreign military bases. Bring them home and away from the IED's the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld war machine created and let them enjoy a quiet respite in our Sunny South.
And NO I did not vote for Bommy Wommy!! I vote always but not for the Dems or GOP. In the last 22 years my votes have gone to two other Texicans, both initialed "RP"! The first RP made a fool of IBM, made a fool of GM, made a fool of Ayatollah Khomeini and netted $3.5 billion in the process!
About 3-4 years ago I had you on my IGNORE list. Reluctantly I took you off that list. Now I am obliged to IGNORE you again.