Gulf Coast Regionals

William Smith

New member
Gateway Rifle and Pistol Club will host the Gulf Coast 3-Gun Regional Championship on the 30th and 31st of July. The range will be open for practice on Friday the 29th from 0800 till sunset. Water and Soda will be provided all 3 days. I need a head count as soon as possible so that arrangements for food can be made. The Plaques have been ordered and proudy we say that you will like them. Gordon Eck has nicknamed this shoot as the "Hooter's Invitational", if that gives you any clue as to what is going to happen on this weekend. We will not rotate benches, we will draw for Sat. and again for Sun. Relays will rotate Sat. to Sun. Please let me know ASAP if you plan to be here so that all final arrangements can be made. We will provide a good time and some great shooting. Thumper
I will be there .......

Hooters girls going to be around ?
Sent you a PM. Mom is maintaining and getting stronger day by day. Glad you are going to make it down. We will have a good shoot, no matter what happens. Need to round up some more shooters though! Thumper
Bill.............................................. ...................................

Should be there Friday AM. We'll keep your mom in our prayers.
Just talked to Jane Miller at the Hospitality Inn and she will give the same rate to all the shooters that we had for the Crawfish Shoot. She won't charge the going Summer/Vacation rate and that's quite a savings. Phone number is 904-777-5700 or Toll free 1-800-772-8929. Thumper
Bill as I understand it ....the world match starts the following Monday for rimfire and the air gun is the same weekend as this ......So the match will have a lot of the World team members shooting as it's not that far away ? I here Hooters is doing lunch and awards ......Guess I need Gordon s Hooters gun for this one
Jim, glad to hear that you are going to make it, drag some more of those Va./Tn. people with you. Tuna, you are correct that some "Hooter's" associates will be present and we are still working on the lunch arrangements. This going to be fun! Gordon should bring his gun down and shoot with us, might set a good example, who knows? Thumper
I think I might be coming down to shoot, I will let you know tomorrow for sure. I was thinking about coming down on the 29th shooting the Gulf Coast regionals then head over to the World match for a day then flying back home.

Paul Tolvstad
Rock Creek Barrels
Bring it on, Paul. We should have a good match. It'll be good to see you.
I will be there. I'll be flying into Savannah and coming down with the big Tuna. Can't wait to see the Hooters girls this time, since we never made it there during the Crawfish.

Hey Paul,
Glad to hear that you can make it down! Mr. Faron Hulbert, General Manager, of "Hooters of Orange Park", 904-215-5858, assures that some of his "associates" will be in attendance for the handing out of awards and photo ops! Thumper
Hey Paul,
Glad to hear that you can make it down! Mr. Faron Hulbert, General Manager, of "Hooters of Orange Park", 904-215-5858, assures that some of his "associates" will be in attendance for the handing out of awards and photo ops! Thumper

Bill I am going to have a houseful of shooters can't wait ........... Hooters R US.......Maybe some of the Aussie team
Shooters, I'm still looking for a more positive head-count so that lunch for Sat. can be ordered, I don't want to short change anyone or end up with a whole bunch that can't be utilized by our competitors. Help me out of this one? We will start registration and drawing for benches on friday at 3:00. Looking forward to a good shoot, seeing old friends and meeting some new ones. Make sure you bring your cameras to record the fun and games! Thumper
Well the Hooters 3 Gun was interesting to say the least ........Hooters Team Coach Tim Miller was happy with the Hooters Girls Match here is a picture of his team.....



On a side note Paul from Rock Creek Barrels Shot his first 250 in 13 1/2 outside using a new ???? groove barrel
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Sporter Yards

Name Place Score X's FM Action Barrel Ammo
Greg Davis 1 249 13 21 ~ ~ ~
Paul Tolvstad 2 249 12 24 Anshutz 54 Rock Creek Eley
Brenda Aldridge 3 248 12 14 Anshutz 54 Rock Creek Eley

10.5 Yards

Name Place Score X's FM Action Barrel Ammo
Mike Cameron 1 250 18 5 Suhl Broughton RWS
Greg Davis 2 250 18 2 ~ ~ ~
Brenda Aldridge 3 250 17 1 Turbo Broughton Eley

13.5 Yards

Name Place Score X's FM Action Barrel Ammo
Greg Davis 1 250 19 4 ~ ~ ~
Tim Miller 2 250 18 6 Turbo Shilen Eley
Phil Deese 3 250 18 5 Calfee XP Lilja Eley EPS

3 Gun Yards

3 Gun Agg
Name Place Score X's FM
Greg Davis 1 749 50 249
Brenda Aldridge 2 748 41 248
Tim Miller 3 746 41 248

Sporter Meters

Name Place Score X's FM Action Barrel Ammo
Tim Miller 1 246 13 3 Turbo Shilen Eley
Brenda Aldridge 2 245 12 6 Anshutz 54 Rock Creek Eley
Doug Weeter 3 245 10 5 Anshutz 54 Benchmark Eley


Name Place Score X's FM Action Barrel Ammo
Mike Cameron 1 250 16 8 Suhl Broughton RWS
Doug Weeter 2 249 17 9 Rem 40X Rock Creek Eley
Lew Beaudrot 3 249 10 24 ULA ~ Eley

13 1/2 LB
Name Place Score X's FM Action Barrel Ammo
Tim Miller 1 250 17 1 Turbo Shilen Eley
Doug Weeter 2 249 19 23 Rem 40X Rock Creek Eley
Brenda Aldridge 3 249 14 25 Turbo Broughton Eley

3 Gun Agg
Name Place Score X's FM
Tim Miller 1 744 44 246
Doug Weeter 2 743 46 245
Brenda Aldridge 3 742 32 245
Well, after all the dust settled, and we got cleaned up, I'm happy to say that we had a great time at the Gulf Coast Regional Shoot, I think the pictures are the proof! Although we didn't have the number of shooters that we had expected and wanted, we still had some mighty fine scores considering the heat and the switchy winds and from the smiles, laughter, and comments I think all had a pretty good time. I really want to thank Tim Miller and Phil Deese for scoring for us, Doug Weeter for his Computer expertise, and referees, Brenda, Jim, and Mike, with Lew Beaudrot as an alternate, for all your assistance in making this match a success, I want to thank the shooters also. I'm quite sure the young ladies had a good time and want to come back soon for another match. I also want to thank Mr. Faron Hulbert, the General Manager of "Hooters of Orange Park" for his support. Thanks again to all and I look forward to seeing you on the range soon. Thumper