group performance

Rick W.

New member
I was curious about what a rimfire benchrest rifle can do for group with selected components and on a good typical day? I tried to look at the results from some shoots, but got confused on what was what with all the numbers.

Is one of these rifles capable of shooting a 5 shot 1/4" at 50yd group? I have no idea. How about a 5 shot 5 group agg?

I shot centerfire benchrest in the Gulf Region for a few years, then got out and lost track of the benchrest stuff. Thinking of trying it again in rimfire, but some homework is probably necessary first.


Rick W.
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Last summer was the last time I did a 5 group agg. My rifle gave a .196" average. Biggest= .21" Smallest= .18"

Have not tried my new barrel in terms of agg, but it does look better.
Ammo Testing

Hardly ever shoot groups but for ammo testing, it gives me a good look at the differences between lots using different rifles. The ammo I picked this year shot a .162 agg using 4 different rifles. I would venture to say that a group of .200 to .250 in todays matches would not be competitive. Nothing I tested was above .192!!:cool:
Thanks for some numbers.

Yardages these were shot at? Is 50yds a good assumption?
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Assuming: rifle is in tune, wind is calm and it is not raining hard, rifle is clean and fouled and its above about 65 degrees F for summer ammo. At 50 yards if ammo won't group inside the 50 ring of a PSL target or better using a Pappas rest I won't test it any further and go on to the next lot. I usually shoot 2 or 3 5 shot groups. A few more if the lot shows promise. I don't measure groups; keeping them inside the PSL 50 ring equates to 0.358 edge to edge, or a 0.135 group.(.358-.224) In the last two years I have found 2 or 3 lots that would shoot that well......and I have tested maybe 50 lots in that time frame. Its a bear when you get a lot that shoots that well then cannot find any for sale anywhere. Such is the life of rim fire. bob
I found this on another site, looks like 5 shot groups @ 50 yards. Jack C

Thanks Jack for the pix. It illustrates my point exactly. No way could one find either of those lots today unless you get real lucky and have a friend with some that will share. bob
PSL target

How big are the 50 and 100 rings on the PSL target ?
Thanks Charles Morgan
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There really is no 100 ring or 50 ring on the PSL target. Scoring is done best edge and you need to cut the outer edge of the little bitty center dot to score a 100 You must cut the inner edge of the red ring to score a 50. You must cut the outer edge of the red ring to score a 25. To score an X you must obliterate the red center dot.

The inner edge of the red ring measures about .358 and the outer edge is about .578 diameter. bob
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