Grizzly/Diamondback Inletting

Ackley Improved

New member

I have a McMillan Edge stock inletted for a Stiller Diamondback action collecting dust, and have just bought a Stolle Grizzly II action recently.

What are the chances of being able to use the Grizzly in this stock?

Action lengths and receiver diameters are the same....... but what about the tang area, action screw holes, and bolt handle cut out? How far out are these going to be? Can it be done without destroying the stock!

Could save a few bucks if It can be made to fit!

I will bet

its pretty close. It will depend on how picky you are about small costmetics such as bolt stop fit etc.
Thanks Jerry..

If its close enough it will do! Beats buying another stock when this one will do! The part that worries me is the action screw holes...time will tell!

use it!!!

I have a Grizzly II ...and it is very similar to all the Rem. 700 clones....the two bolts at the trigger guard shuld work ,,,,then let the front bolt at the recoil lug fall where it may...if need be drill a new hole and mud in the old all means if you have a stock that you like or have had good results with USE IT>....Roger