Great Time At Tomball With Great Scores!!

jackie schmidt

New member
We had our 3d Tomball Score Match this morning, and had some great conditions, some great Shooters, and some great scores.

The winners were:

Factory Class:
Paul Dermody.......243-7X
Tom Samson........239-5X
Hunter Pullig........236-3X

Modified Class:
Joe Duke.............250-9X:D
Scott Deal...........249-10X
Carl Easton..........249-6X

Benchrest Class:
Nick Marino...........250-23X
Vic Smith..............250-23X
Gary Walters.........250-22X
Ed Bernabeo..........250-21X
Greg Miller.............250-21X

Nick won the Benchrest Class with the tie breaker. Four of the top five were shooting 30 calibers, Gary Walters shot his HV 6PPC. Of the 19 competitors in the Benchrest Class, 14 shot 250's.

We had a great turnout at 39 shooters. Our Club Matches are really catching on, everybody likes the class structure and the Format. Our last one of the season will be the first Sunday in October.

Thanks to everyone for coming out........jackie
Thank You

for your efforts and time. You have made these local matches a success and very enjoyable for everyone.

At first I did not think I would enjoy Score, but it is a blast and tough at times. Quite a challenge with a 6PPC.

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Great job Jackie...but I have heard that the NBRSA has put your name on their "hit list" for holding those score matches with BR rifles and undermining the Hunter Rifle Class competition..:D:D:D
Yep that score shootin' with a BR rifle is habit forming...;)
Congrats to Nick Marino

On his BIG win in Benchrest VFS!!! I tried to pressure him with everything I had to no avail. He hung in there scoring a 50-5x on the last target to secure his victory. Nick is one tuff competitor.

My hats off to my shooting buddy Gary Walters for his outstanding 250-22x scored with his trusty 6ppc cruiser. That was no small feat. Way to go !!!

Modifieds Star of the Day was none other than Joe Duke scoring a impressive 250-9x. We hope to see him move up to the next level of competition soon. :)

I would like to join Gary in thanking Jackie for all that He does for the Benchrest community.

We at Tomball are just trying to give shooters who are interested in "extreme accuracy" a place to shoot, where they can test themselves, and their equipment.

And have a good time.:D

I am looking for the day when we have just as many Factory and Modified Class Shooters as we do those in the Benchrest Class, The shooters who are coming out now are having a great time. No matter that this is "just a club match". Any time you get shooters together, and something is on the line, the competitive spirit takes hold.

Heck, going into that final target this morning, you would have thought it was the last match at the Nationals. This is the spirit that makes Benchrest such a satisfying endevour, whether you are trying to put the last shot in a "zero" group, or trying to hit that last "X" to bring home the win........jackie
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Thanks Jackie

We have a blast shooting the match and really do appreciate you holding it. For anyone who enjoys the competition, this type of match as a great way to get into the competitive arena. It doesn't matter which class you shoot in, they are all tough to win. I have enjoyed shooting the modified class and finally achieved my goal of the 250 score.

We at Tomball are just trying to give shooters who are interested in "extreme accuracy" a place to shoot, where they can test themselves, and their equipment.

And have a good time.:D

I am looking for the day when we have just as many Factory and Modified Class Shooters as we do those in the Benchrest Class, The shooters who are coming out now are having a great time. No matter that this is "just a club match". Any time you get shooters together, and something is on the line, the competitive spirit takes hold.

Heck, going into that final target this morning, you would have thought it was the last match at the Nationals. This is the spirit that makes Benchrest such a satisfying endevour, whether you are trying to put the last shot in a "zero" group, or trying to hit that last "X" to bring home the win........jackie

Well said Jackie................!