Great News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, the alternative to NOT controlling our natural resources (oil) is that a rich nation like China or others could push US into the financial brink...then you know what will happen...NO nation will allow it's system to calapse..that is inpart why Japan went to war with US in 1941...we had cut them off from natural resources they needed because of their attacks on Chinas mainland and their attempt to control the oil in the Dutch Indies...etc.,etc...
We will damn well go to war with whomever if our economy begins a meltdown over oil prices...
It is better to control our natural resources to stabilize our economy, however it needs to be done...
Just look at the water situation in Georgia it is a legal battle that is going to go on for years...
I think Bill Gates and software vs US Oil is like comparing apples to golf balls it isn't the same...our country doesn't survive on sofware everyday...If so I could just stay at home and have my paycheck sent to the bank...Or maybe go to a VIRTUAL benchrest match..:D
I guess we could start walking, biking to our next rifle match...just start out a couple of months early...make arrangements with Motel 6 to keep the light on for you...
Oh yeah have Randy Robinette or Bart walk some bullets out to me in Texas..

It appears you missed my point completely. When you try to force big business into an ultimatum, they pack their goodies and money and take it all to another country. How do we accomplish this? Add yet another dept. to the US Government that drills for oil? Controls what business does with their goods and money? And who do you think will pay for this new department of Government? Gas prices go down 3% and your taxes go up 25%. Just a for instance.
Let's look at this from the oil campany's point of view for one second. If we drill more wells and can't sell it on the open market for market value, why drill at all? Also, if we do this drilling and stop buying from other it countries, the price of oil will drop. Not enough for you and me, but it will cost the oil companies big money. Where is the incentive for the oil companies? I am not against you all, just asking. ---Mike Ezell

Your thoughts are shared by more than we care to admit. Business is no longer what we were used to. There was a time when business was happy making a profit, feeding their families and taking care of their employees. Now they move to India, China, Mexico, etc. etc, make a killing of a profit and rely on the people they once cared about to buy the crap.
No problem there...

Let's look at this from the oil campany's point of view for one second. If we drill more wells and can't sell it on the open market for market value, why drill at all? Also, if we do this drilling and stop buying from other it countries, the price of oil will drop. Not enough for you and me, but it will cost the oil companies big money. Where is the incentive for the oil companies? I am not against you all, just asking. ---Mike Ezell

...if they spend the $$$$ to go get it, they should sell it how they see fit IMHO. Flood the market w/ a ton of product and the price will drop.

I also think there is a golden marketing opportunity for the U.S. Oil companies to seek, drill, refine and sell as a U.S. made product.

I think you missed my point...I do not recommend that US based oil companies sell OUR oil for less than market value...just DON'T export any American oil...PERIOD...
We don't have a limitless supply of oil, but we should reduce imported oil while using the profits to develope alternative fuels...
If the oil companies were mandated to spend ?% of profits on alternative fuels we might get out of the worst part of this oil dependency in 15-20 years...
We still have to use petroleum for paints, plastics, pharmaceuticals and the list goes on...but we sure need an alternative fuel as soon as possible...The medical field doesn't wait for the government to mandate cancer research or research for other catastrophic illnesses...and the medical community pays for research with income from profits and donations..yes it gets government help, but so does big oil and farmers....And that in itself is going to be one hell of a battle in Washington when the Farm Lobby goes after the Big Oil Lobby...The farmers aren't going to take it on the chin much longer...:D

I hate to say it, but I think John McCain is the only hope we have!! We are the strongest country in the world and all I here from these democrats is how we ought to try to appease every little dictatorship that comes along, any way we can......boy what a bunch of whimps!!
On this oil thing; what worries me is the coming war in the middle east......we must face that situation sooner or later.....Israel is going to finally get enough of Iran and have a fly-over.....and you think oil is high now!!! We need to go head and start drilling won't produce right away, but the longer we wait the worse the situation will be when it happens!! This Obama and the democrats are living in some type of dream world!!
I think Israel

is going to do the inevitable. Someone is going to stop the Nuclear program from going full steam in Iran. I would much rather it be Israel than us. We are stretched so thin right now, we couldn't handle another long battle. Israel kind of enjoys this kind of thing anyway. They do have a pretty capable Air Force Phil.
It appears you missed my point completely. When you try to force big business into an ultimatum, they pack their goodies and money and take it all to another country..

Simple, we are the greatest retail purchaser on the planet. If a company moves off shore we don't buy their stuff. I try to do that now.

Look at the labels on your appliances, TV, stereo equipment, manufactures tag on your autos,etc. etc. etc. How many are made in the United States? Some might be assembled here. Where is most of your clothing made? C'mon, lets be honest here.
Govenor of Alaska sends Harry Reid a letter........

June 25, 2008
Gov. Palin: Start Drilling
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has sent a letter to Harry Reid urging him to start drilling in ANWR.

Here's a summary of the letter provided by Palin's office:

Governor Sarah Palin today urged members of Congress to enact legislation that would allow oil and gas development in a small portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
In a letter addressed to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and key members of Congress, Governor Palin stressed the need to enact an energy policy that includes oil and gas production from domestic sources, since failure to enact a sound energy policy is having real-life consequences. The Governor reminded members of Congress that the footprint of development would be less than 2,000 acres. She also assured members that any development would be conducted in a responsible and environmentally safe manner.

Conservatives will cheer, but not McCain, who has singled out ANWR in his support of drilling because of its "pristine" condition.