Great News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Phil Deese

I received this email today......looks like we're ahead of schedule!!

Dear Phillip,

I have some exciting news to share with you. Because of your hard work and support we reached one million signatures on the "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less" petition.

Your voice and the voice of one million Americans is truly making a difference in shaping the national debate.

Just this week, President George Bush, Senator John McCain, and Florida Governor Charlie Crist all called for lifting the federal ban on offshore drilling. And U.S. Representative Lynn Westmoreland has started a pledge in the U.S. House in support of American oil production that has been signed by 126 members of Congress.

Now, we need your help to reach our next goal: 3 million signatures by the Democratic and Republican national conventions this fall. I hope you'll forward this message to 5 friends and encourage them to sign the petition at

Thank you for supporting this movement of one million Americans demanding real solutions to our energy challenges.

Your friend,

Better to be part of the solution then to stand in the way of American progress. Funny how those that were once against becoming energy independent are now seeing the light. Including Mccain! Wonder if the polls have anything to do with it? We'll see!!!!!!

Dear Vincent,

I have some exciting news to share with you. Because of your support we reached one million signatures on the "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less" petition.

The voices of one million Americans are truly making a difference in shaping the national debate.

Just this week, President George Bush, Senator John McCain, and Florida Governor Charlie Crist all called for lifting the federal ban on offshore drilling. And U.S. Representative Lynn Westmoreland has started a pledge in the U.S. House in support of American oil production that has been signed by 126 members of Congress.

Now, we need your help to reach our next goal: 3 million signatures by the Democratic and Republican national conventions this fall. I hope you will add your name to this list by signing the petition at

I also hope you will go online today and make a special contribution of $10 or more to receive your own "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less" bumper sticker to help us grow the movement.

Thank you for supporting this movement of one million Americans demanding real solutions to our energy challenges.

Your friend,

You guys are both friends with Newt, Kool!

Ask your buddy Newt if they will agree to keep the oil in the U.S. since it is our natural resources, or will they sell it to the highest bidder and screw the American consumer??? Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Venezuela take care of their citizens instead of going for record profits. The oil companies don't drill here because it's working in their favor. Follow the money! Drill now and wave goodbye to the oil as it heads to India and China!

Boy, you guys like answers simple!
You guys are both friends with Newt, Kool!

Ask your buddy Newt if they will agree to keep the oil in the U.S. since it is our natural resources, or will they sell it to the highest bidder and screw the American consumer??? Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Venezuela take care of their citizens instead of going for record profits. The oil companies don't drill here because it's working in their favor. Follow the money! Drill now and wave goodbye to the oil as it heads to India and China!

Boy, you guys like answers simple!

Mr D.....have you honestly thought about your position?
Could someone explain the concept of "coal to Newcastle" while we're at it?
Mr D.....have you honestly thought about your position?

Yes, but would I stake much on it? Honestly no, but I also know one of the reasons many legislators oppose drilling in ANWR is that the oil companies will not agree to keep the oil in N. America so it will not make a great deal of difference to U.S. needs. I also don't think its just those bad Democrats that want to hurt our country. I think there are two sides to this issue. I'm still listening to the debate.
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If that were the case........................

{show some proof} why couldn't they add an they add all kinds of other PORK!! I think this is just a "snow job" by some group to prevent drilling!! No one can tell me the government couldn't mandate keeping the oil here.............they by-pass the constitution and the code of military justice to do every other thing they want to do, and I would like to see where anyone from the oil companies stated they would refuse such an agreement.
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Could someone explain the concept of "coal to Newcastle" while we're at it?

Charles, it was "selling coal to Newcastle". Kind of like selling fridges' to Eskimos.

Oh, I forgot, you have a wood burner in the Benchrest Battle wagon!! Hook a smelter to it and melt down Gammonds beer cans. You'll be rich, EH!!

The rest of you haven't figured out this "oil" thing yet???
Jerry............................................. .............

The ones that want what's best for the country have!!!;););)

I signed the petition.

I also sent letters to all 4 of my elected officials here in MO.

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Yes, but would I stake much on it? Honestly no, but I also know one of the reasons many legislators oppose drilling in ANWR is that the oil companies will not agree to keep the oil in N. America so it will not make a great deal of difference to U.S. needs. I also don't think its just those bad Democrats that want to hurt our country. I think there are two sides to this issue. I'm still listening to the debate.

Oil is traded on a global market. Its going to go to the highest bidder (considering shipping costs) just like it does now. Furthermore, I've not heard one word from a prominent democrat suggesting they will agree to drill in ANWR if the oil is agreed upon to be kept here. If that were to happen, what will the backlash be? Further, it would just suggest some of the oil we're getting more locally would be sold abroad.

When government mandates where private industry can operate and who it can and can't do business with, we have a real problem.
We "MUST" start drilling in the USA...I expect our President to put it to the American people to NOT sell US oil on the open market...How in the heck is it going to help us (drilling here) if we can't keep it here...If George W. wants to make a legacy he should use his last days in office to take the Congress to task on the drilling and KEEPING the oil in the USA...And John McCain can put himself in THE office if he uses this proposal every day on the campaign trail...The US economy is a more powerful issue than any other at this time in history...
I just don't think George W. will do the right thing....He can take this to the American people via TV and it will snowball could easily happen if he would put as much effort behind it as he has behind the Iraq war...:mad:
Whether or not

it stays in the US won't be up to us but rather the oil company's extracting it.

They have had many years to drill and extract oil from the 68 million acres they have right now. Why not??? Because it is deeper and therefore more expensive to drill. They drill where it is the most profitable. Period.
Cheaper to drill elsewhere

it stays in the US won't be up to us but rather the oil company's extracting it.

They have had many years to drill and extract oil from the 68 million acres they have right now. Why not??? Because it is deeper and therefore more expensive to drill. They drill where it is the most profitable. Period.

It's pretty simple, isn't it? It it were more profitable to have been drilling here you can bet the oil lobbyists would have had the politicians letting them drill whever they want, whether it's ANWR or Kansas. These companies are run by ruthless businessmen who don't care about the environment, America's security, or anything else unless it's fattening their coffers.
As much as I hate to say it... We can't drill our way out of this UNLESS we nationalize the oil industy. That's the only way to both get them drilling for and keeping our own oil. I don't like it, but that's the only way I see it working. The oil companies won't drill where it's not profitable for them. I guess you could tax them to death on exports. Yep, this sounds pretty liberal doesn't it? IMO nothing is going to happen to the degree that it will FIX our problems. At least until the "right" people figure out how to profit from it.----Mike Ezell
Can you say.....

As much as I hate to say it... We can't drill our way out of this UNLESS we nationalize the oil industy. Mike Ezell

......Pemex and Chavez??

I'll take a business man getting the oil out of the ground over a politician any day. Scary post.

Can you imagine how the house and senate would handle THAT power!!

No thanks Mike, I'll pass.


The oil company's have 68 million acres of land and water just outside ANWR.
They have been sitting on it for years. The oil extracted from ANWR would be much more profitable due to the location. Do we really need to destroy the last great frontier we have so that the Hummer and Suburban drivers can continue to drive to the local Wal Mart and buy the goods made in Asia. Will you really put your trust in an oil company who is fighting the judgement against them in the Supreme Court? The same company that let a drunk pilot the vessel that dumped that mess in Alaska and feel no remorse. Give a reason why that 68 million acres has not been developed. They know the oil is there, they test drilled on it. Something they have NOT done in ANWR.

All the congress has to do is mandate that the petroleum is used here.......have you ever seen them have any problem mandating??

I agree with you I don't want the government handling anything that we don't want to become corrupt!! I like what someone said about government healthcare" If you think healthcare is expensive now....wait until it's free!!!"

Look at the "Countrywide Six" .....democrats getting sweetheart deals from the mortgage the way have you heard anything about this on the liberal media....not a word, only how Osama has it all wrapped-up and McCain is an old man!!
Agreed Phil

but it probably wouldn't work. Can you imagine congress telling Bill Gates he can't sell his software to another country? Or the manufactures that were once based in the US that they can't move their businesses out of our country to be more profitable? Something I believe all of us are missing is we have priced ourselves out of the world market. Oil coming from other countries is being produced with extremely cheap labor. The cost of labor using Americans in and around ANWR certainly won't bring down the cost of the oil extracted. How many of us buy our clothes from the garment district in New York? How many can afford to? And if we could afford to purchase our clothes there, how many are willing to pay $80.00 for a dress shirt, $1500.00 for a suit, $65.00 for a tie, etc. etc. etc. It isn't so much the dependancy we have for oil that is costing us so much, but in fact the people who do the trading on Wall Street driving these prices.
By the way Phil

I have made a decision the throw my hat in the ring for John McCain. As much as I would love to see another milestone in our great country and have our first African American President, Obama's lack of experience is the ONLY reason for this choice.