Great Nationals in Phoenix

jackie schmidt

New member
Once you got past the 30+ mph winds and the the dust, (every where), the folks at Berger once again ran a state of the art Nationals.

I don’t think I have ever had as good of a time at a Nationals as I did this one. It was a pleasure to get to hang out and shoot with such a great bunch of competitors. I got to see some old friends, and meet some new ones.

I am putting Saint Louis on my calendar for next year. I was able to make both the Score Nationals and Group Nationals this year, and left both feeling I was better for attending.

There will be some revisions in the Nationals Format, I won’t post any until I get the exact wordings, or perhaps some others will chime in.

I’m sitting in the Holiday Inn XPress Breakfast area in Las Croesus NM right now, my wife Marilyn flew in Friday to watch me shoot a couple of groups and enjoy the long ride home.

Back to work Tuesday.
Looks like you had a good week Jackie. Sounds like a battle of survival.
By revisions in the format , I hope its not back to the 100yd-200yd every other day.
I heard this idea was floating around to increase numbers of shooters.

Joe Hynes
Looks like you had 1 Bullet ruin the Sporter 200 ????, hope you didn’t say swear words. I know I would have.
Looks like you had 1 Bullet ruin the Sporter 200 ????, hope you didn’t say swear words. I know I would have.

Not just one shot.

I had rotated to bench 36 in the Sporter 200.There were two empty benches to my right.

For some strange reason, I lined up on target 38, and fired my entire group on it. 10 inch penalty.

I have no logical explanation for making such a bone head mistake.

Of course, that ruined any chance of a good finish in the Two Gun and Three Gun. But continued and Shot reasonably well for the rest of the Meet.
Not just one shot.

I had rotated to bench 36 in the Sporter 200.There were two empty benches to my right.

For some strange reason, I lined up on target 38, and fired my entire group on it. 10 inch penalty.

I have no logical explanation for making such a bone head mistake.

Of course, that ruined any chance of a good finish in the Two Gun and Three Gun. But continued and Shot reasonably well for the rest of the Meet.

Jackie you know there are 2 kinds of shooters when it comes to crossfires...……..those that have and those that are going to!
At the 2017 Cactus I had placed 5th at 100 in Light Varmint and was running 3rd after 4 targets at 200 so all I needed was a sub half inch group to probably win the Grand.
I was sharing my front rest and rear bag with a fellow shooter and what I didn't realize is that he had dialed over to his right several targets after he had finished his group to see how a friend of his had shot and when he dialed back over he had stopped short on Charles Huckeba"s target number on my right.
As we started shooting I felt a tug on my shirt sleeve and it was Charles informing me that I was shooting on his target. I said Thank You and moved over to my target to find that that the guy on my left had now fired his group on my record target. So we informed the range master and I went on to shoot a .4 something and won the Grand.
Charles told me that he saw me shoot a couple shots on his sighter and when he saw me starting to go up to record thought Better stop this jerk before he doe's something he is going really regret!
Every time I see Charles I give him a big "THANK YOU" for saving my a*s...………..
Once you got past the 30+ mph winds and the the dust, (every where), the folks at Berger once again ran a state of the art Nationals.

I don’t think I have ever had as good of a time at a Nationals as I did this one. It was a pleasure to get to hang out and shoot with such a great bunch of competitors. I got to see some old friends, and meet some new ones.

I am putting Saint Louis on my calendar for next year. I was able to make both the Score Nationals and Group Nationals this year, and left both feeling I was better for attending.

There will be some revisions in the Nationals Format, I won’t post any until I get the exact wordings, or perhaps some others will chime in.

I’m sitting in the Holiday Inn XPress Breakfast area in Las Croesus NM right now, my wife Marilyn flew in Friday to watch me shoot a couple of groups and enjoy the long ride home.

Back to work Tuesday.

If you haven't left Las Cruces yet, visit Mesilla Valley Kitchen for breakfast. I go out of my way to stop there when I go through.

Not saying anything bad about BERGER Bullets but they only paid for the tents and the dinner. They had nothing to do with running the match . The two people put on the match and did all the work were
Matt Schwartzkopf and Michelle Gallagher have nothing to do with Berger bullets . They run all the matches at Phoenix even the long range f-class matches.
Thank you Matt and Michelle for a fantastic job .
Thanks Matt and Michele. Great job in some very trying wind and the problems connected with running matches in high winds. We have lots of ranges capable of hosting the Nationals. Unfortunately what those ranges lack is the people needed to put on the match. Without the people to put on matches for us to shoot there would be no place to shoot. The people behind the scenes are truly the unsung hero’s of benchrest and any shooting discipline.
Paul Mitchell Clinic

It would have been worth the trip to witness Paul giving a shooting clinic in tough conditions.

Great shooting Paul.
