Great Match!!

William Colbert

New member
This weekend I attended the Maine State Sporter, 3Gun Match. In an effort to give credit where credit is due I'd like to give a special thanks to Pete, Klayton, all the helpers and shooters who made this such an enjoyable tournament. Thank you! In my short affiliation with Ir 50/50 these were without a doubt a couple of the best run, well organized matches I have been a part of.
Thanks William

This weekend I attended the Maine State Sporter, 3Gun Match. In an effort to give credit where credit is due I'd like to give a special thanks to Pete, Klayton, all the helpers and shooters who made this such an enjoyable tournament. Thank you! In my short affiliation with Ir 50/50 these were without a doubt a couple of the best run, well organized matches I have been a part of.

We appreciate your kind words.

Well Said

Well said William! I couldn't agree more. Also, thanks to JoAnna for the great lunch & brownies.