Grandson's 2014 NCAA records in football

Butch Lambert

Active member
Josh was a RS soph. last year. He was fortunate enough to make a few All American teams and was chosen as one of the 3 finalist for the Lou Groza Award.

Hey Butch, when hes done at WVU just send him ah little North, We'll take him here in Steeltown!!!!!!!GO STEELERS?
Butch, a lot of football fans are looking forward to another great year for your Grandson !! Sports reporting is not what it used to be, so we really appreciate your insight. I hope we get to read about a LOT of "three pointers" this fall. I'm sure he wishes for a mild winter! :)
Josh is in summer school again. Taking 2 courses, statistics and his last criminology class. His little brother moved in with him last week. His company that he works for transferred him. Josh plans to spend as much time as he can at his girlfriend's family property out of Winchester, Va. He does his shooting and flyfishing .
Thanks for all of your support towards him.
Josh has a real passion for the veterans and especially the older and injured.