what is you guys opinion of Gordy gritters method of chambering and crowning a barrel, i rented his video from a company called smart flix and re crowned a 10/22 barrel that was shooting poorly. i couldn't really see anything wrong with the crown but i didn't know if it would be visually apparent and under the microscope it looked like they broke the sharp edge with a chamfer tool and it looked really chattery, and being a hammer forged barrel i didn't know how much time they would take to indicate it in. i didn't have a reamer bushing so i ground a small section of rod a tenth at a time until it fit in the bore. drilled and reamed it in the lathe and then ground a piece of brass rod till it fit tightly and then lapped them together with some diamond compound. i got up by the crown under 0.0001 and about 4inches back into at about 0.0003. it may have more than this because i dint know if my setup was perfect. but accuracy substantially increased so i was happy with it. the logic behind his methods seems sound to me, but i have never done this before and don't have anything to compare it to and was just wondering what other peoples opinion was