Georgia State 200/300

Jim Wooten

Just Me
Just a reminder that we have the Georgia State 200/300 coming up September 10 at Dublin. We will be available Friday from around noon for a little practice before setting the target frames later in the day. We will allow early registration, and flag setting when it is time to get the frames and backers set, as well as the normal Saturday morning registration period.

Lunch will be served between yardages.

Come on down, and we will have a good time.

Any recomendations for a CLEAN hotel room for Friday night?
How'd it go?--Mike


Conditions were VERY challenging. The combination of wind and mirage moved the bullet a lot more than the flags were indicating.

We had three rookie shooters, and they made a great showing, as seen in the placings. Full results should be on the IBS web site soon.

Thanks to all the shooters, and the MGGOA crew for making this a successful shoot!


200 Yards:
1) Ron Collins 248-9X
2) Zane Athey 248-6X
3) David Richardson (R) 247-9X

300 Yards:
1) Jim Wooten 247-6X
2) Billy Payne (R) 246-2X
3) Jerald Smith 245-2X

Grand Agg
1) Jim Wooten 493-13X
2) Billy Payne (R)493-7X
3) Ron Collins 492-12X

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Congrats Jim, Ron and all! I know that with that crew, the rookies have to earn what they get. Good shooting!--Mike Ezell