Al, if an action is made from 17-4 Stainless, the transformation temperature range is pretty criticle, as well as the time it is held at that temperature.. For instance, you get quite a bit of difference in RC hardness and properties when age hardenning from 1150 to 900. 1150 is about 32 RC very machinable, tough as all get out. 900 is 40+ rc hardness, is a bear to machine, and ductility starts to fall.
If they are using 17-4 I suspect it is 1050. I really do not know if, after age hardnenning at 1050 for four hours to achieve those properties will be compromised if the part is then heated to 900 for what ever length of time is required in this proccess.
416 is a martensitic Stainless, in other words, once brought to a certain property, as long as you do not approach the transformation range, it will not affect the properties.
But that being said, 900 degrees is pretty damned hot.