GA State 3 Gun and Unlimited Meters 7-23-11& World warm-up match


Bob Collins

We will shoot the GA State Meters portion at the Macon County Gun Club this Saturday starting at 9 AM. Afterwards we will shoot the Unlimited Meters, like normal the Yards portions will be held at Georgetown, GA, August 27th at South GA Benchrest. Leonard is planning something big for the 12 target winning – I wonder what – a plaque or maybe he will teach them how to clean catfish at 6 a minute. Any way it will be a blast. I’ll have the range open Friday around 10:30 for practice and maybe a fun match.
Let me know who all is coming, I know of 12 coming and want to be sure I have enough BBQ ready for everyone. The biggest prize could be sitting next to Hoke Kerns and learning all of the explanations he has for why that bullet went into the 9 ring.
I hope to see you Friday, if you need any instructions to getting to the range just let me know.
Bob Collins
Ga. IR 50/50 Meters

We will be giving a special award in Ga. IR 50/50 this year. I am having a plaque made up for the "Ga. IR 50/50 Top Gun." This plaque will be awarded on August 28th, to the shooter with the highest Agg. in the Ga. 3-Gun Meters, Unlimited Meters, 3-Gun Yards, & Unlimited Yards. (total Agg.) It will basically be a 12 Gun trophy. This is simply something to make things more interesting; it is not recognized by the USRA, as far as any HOF points. Obviously, you must shoot in all the matches to be eligible. Join us this Saturday in Montezuma for the Meters matches! Bob, Richard is coming with me.
On Saturday, someone will win the FIRST EVER IR 50/50 Ga. State Unlimited match. Unlimted & 3-GUN means lots of HOF points to be won. Come on down, up or over, and win some!
Team Florida will be there! I'm bringing my brand new, outta the box, RemchesterSakHalTurbUlaCzLoneCoopFalCopp action with a JewTimJardBas trigger and a LilShilBroHarDoug barrel that was hand lapped with the once used panty hose of the actress who starred in "Debbie does Dallas, Ft Worth, San Antonio, and parts of El Paso". It also has the newly designed "Dr. Pepper" firing pin system, (10, 2, & 4) and is gauranteed not to Rip, Run, Tear, Get Soggy in milk, rust, bust, or cause lust. It's stock was hand painted, no brush used here, by an Inmate at the Florida Correctional Center in Stark. So Stand-by! Thumper
Thumper, Be VERY careful there is world record holding EckFee Sporter on the loose.
Hey Bob
How did the shoot go Saturday?? Will you be posting the results here?? Just wondering.