

cook and bottle washer
Realizing that you don't really care beyond the site works or it doesn't, the following is a statement from the server guy dancing around the unknown:

As previously committed, I would like to provide an update on where we stand following yesterday's explosion in our H1 data center. First, I would like to extend my sincere thanks for your patience during the past 28 hours. We are acutely aware that uptime is critical to your business, and you have my personal commitment that The Planet team will continue to work around the clock to restore your service.

As you have read, we have begun receiving some of the equipment required to start repairs. While no customer servers have been damaged or lost, we have new information that damage to our H1 data center is worse than initially expected. Three walls of the electrical equipment room on the first floor blew several feet from their original position, and the underground cabling that powers the first floor of H1 was destroyed.

There is some good news, however. We have found a way to get power to Phase 2 (upstairs, second floor) of the data center and to restore network connectivity. We will be powering up the air conditioning system and other necessary equipment within the next few hours. Once these systems are tested, we will begin bringing the 6,000 servers online. It will take four to five hours to get them all running.

We have brought in additional support from Dallas to have more hands and eyes on site to help with any servers that may experience problems. The call center has also brought in double staff to handle the increase in tickets we're expecting. Hopefully by sunrise tomorrow Phase 2 will be well on its way to full production.

Let me next address Phase 1 (first floor) of the data center and the affected 3,000 servers. The news is not as good, and we were not as lucky. The damage there was far more extensive, and we have a bigger challenge that will require a two-step process. For the first step, we have designed a temporary method that we believe will bring power back to those servers sometime tomorrow evening, but the solution will be temporary. We will use a generator to supply power through next weekend when the necessary gear will be delivered to permanently restore normal utility power and our battery backup system. During the upcoming week, we will be working with those customers to resolve issues.

We know this may not be a satisfactory solution for you and your business but at this time, it is the best we can do.

We understand that you will be due service credits based on our Service Level Agreement. We will proactively begin providing those following the restoration of service, which is our number priority, so please bear with us until this has been completed.

I recognize that this is not all good news. I can only assure you we will continue to utilize every means possible to fully restore service.
________________________________ may not be over for us.
FYI from Wilbur

Is "redundancy and a back up system" a redundant statement?

Hey, Wilbur, on the bright side, the server has been more reliable than any, and all, of the versions of Windows. Sorry, that is not saying much. "Stuff happens."

Just busting your chops. :) Could have been a lot worse ... everything could have gone into the bit bucket as the frame exited the building.

Seriously, thank you for posting the notice of what happened. Considering the tenor of the notice, it sounds like your site "got off easy" ! Doug
Site Problem


I got another email with similar story line. A different website I use was down due to the same fire where 9000 sites were apparently shut down.

Looks like we are up this morning though:)

Being Computer Illiterate,

I'm just glad I didn't break it! Or at least no one has told me I did (yet!!!).:eek:

I'm taking a serious look from here. I have an auto-backup that runs on Sunday night and writes to an offline drive on the same physical machine. The cheap thinking is that short of a power surge, the drives wouldn't likely fail at the same time giving me one or the other. "Short of a power surge" was based on the data center's sophisticated equipment making this tyoe of failure and "unlikely event".

While the only problem with my servers was the loss of a nameserver that directs traffic......SO MUCH FOR THAT!!! I've simply got to store a backup in another physical location and hope it works when asked.
They do!

One has to wonder why they, themselves, don't have more than one location. Eggs, baskets, etc.

For a price they will load share, backup, auto switch...etc..

One goes down, another takes off!

For a price...
I was not paying attention, but on the radio there was an add for an offsite storage setup. To be used in addition to your own home storage- an independent back up. The "testimonials" they had talked about how cheap etc, but it might be a local thing- cant see that making a diff, but I'll listen more closely today
I only see those getting cheaper as time goes on- like cell service, more competition, cheaper pricing.
I was not paying attention, but on the radio there was an add for an offsite storage setup. To be used in addition to your own home storage-.

We have those here too. About 8'x10' with an overhead door. Runs about $70.00 a month to rent one.

Guess you're right Wilbur, I don't understand, but, glad the site still works.
