Frozen Finger Follies is still a "GO"


Dave Shattuck

They keep going back and forth as to which way this storm is going to track? They obviously don't know. As of tonight they have Holbrook getting more snow than at Pinnacle, although earlier in the day they had it the other way around. So, what to make of all this?

As of right now I am figuring we will have the match, that is unless someone becomes cast-in-stone confident that it will track directly across the range while dumping a foot or more.

Please continue to follow these pages as things could still change, but unless I make an announcement by 6 p.m. tomorrow you can figure at lease I will be at the range on Saturday morning as scheduled.

It's definite, I'll be there by 9.

See you tomorrow,

Sometimes I like to reflect on where this sport is after a couple of years. If you recall the all knowing predicted were going to get our butt kicked at the World Cup, he was wrong.... we took it all and real champions emerged.

Actions, triggers, barrels, rests, lube, stocks and pellets have all gone under the microscope. Scores are now being shot that were unobtainable in the history of the sport using previously accepted old school methods. Those unproven methods so advocated by self appointed all knowing and all seeing established mentors. These people had over 40 years to get it right and did not. They established a following of sheep that dared not challange the wisdom of the self appointed Yoda. Today we find these same uneducated non believers clinging to our success pretending to be life long patrons freely offering advise on subjects they know little or nothing about.

I predicted over two years ago that benchrest shooters would completly eclipse the west coast can shooters and you guys proved me right.

Gentlemen thank you for your interest in 3 inch wide forends, just sandbags and hard work in so many diversified areas. You visionarys have managed to elevate and perfect this so called Backwater sport to the near art form it is make us that truly understand the relationship between extreme accuracy and the grail very proud.....................thank you for not drinking the Kool-Aid and please keep up the great work.

Frank Tirrell
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Don't remember the scores, BUT it seemed the rest of us were shooting for 2nd place! lol Dave THANK YOU for a great Match. Time well spent with a great bunch of gents. The snow started to pile up on the wind flags and needed to be cleared off in between cards but the good thing was the temp got all the way up to the low teens! The best antidote to cabin feverView attachment 12167
Sorry I'm running late, but I'm workin' on it. At least we got the Shoot'n Shack up to ±40°
I think I took first place in spectacular falls on the snow covered ice. Didn't know you could bruise ankle, knee, hip, back, shoulder and arm all at the same time? Daniel Finney took a close second.

Frank, Your old AA EV-2 shot as well as it looks.
Todd AA EV-2




Mark TM-1000


David Theoben

RAW T M 1000


Rick AA EV-2

Franks old , Todd new AA EV-2

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Let it be known that the only reason that gun got sold to Tod was because I knew I could never beat him with it.
I hate being embarrased at my old age..... You also need to know that onced I finished this little gem the guns previous claim to fame was chief turtle eradicatior on my lake........................Thanks for the kudos on the work.

Question, how can you tell when Frank Tirrell finally has a rifle shooting beyond expectations?

Answer, the rifle is up for sale.
Mr. Finney took an even more spectacular fall at home unloading the van, I think he is an indoor boy.

I think I took first place in spectacular falls on the snow covered ice. Didn't know you could bruise ankle, knee, hip, back, shoulder and arm all at the same time? Daniel Finney took a close second.

Frank, Your old AA EV-2 shot as well as it looks.
Todd AA EV-2




Mark TM-1000


David Theoben

RAW T M 1000


Rick AA EV-2

Franks old , Todd new AA EV-2

Paul, just speculating here but one would think a guy with Tod's credentials owning a turtle gun of that magnitude would at least put it in a more than $5.00 discounted cheap ass Wal-Mart case..................that boy needs to sell something if he is to keep his status up. Looks a bit like a west coast ghetto Porche with bald tires.

Hey Frank,
I paid good money to have that case shipped all the way from Texas to NY! If they're only $5 in TX, can you send me 3? They're $15 up here:p