From WhaT I Tested Of

Cecil, you put salt and pepper on that foot before you cram it in your mouth or you just get used to the taste by now?:confused:
Awww, now. It made me laugh. Seems like a lot of witchcraft or wishful thinking in this game.

Thanks for posting this Harry. I'm not against Lapua, but I am another who hopes that $25/box ammo does not become necessary. $10 black box has me considering alternative shooting sports, as it is.
If it takes $26.00 a box ammo to be competitive I hope all of the 3 shooters remaining 2 years from now will be happy!!!!!!!
Thanks for the input. It means more coming from you than from just about anyone in the shooting sports, and reinforces my reasons for choosing this shooting sport above all others. I had already decided that if it took $26 ammo to have a chance to win in this game, I was either going to quit, or buy a pellet gun.
Todd Banks
Thanks Harry for your input, you like the rest of us have heard these stories for quite a few years now on how great the next shipment will we go again at three times the price!!! I think it's a vast left wing conspricy to shutdown 22 shooting.
Now Phil

I have to agree with you on this one and I promise I won't tell anyone about the 2 cases you have stashed in your Garage. See ya on the line soon!:eek::D:p
Hi Harry,

Thanks for telling it like it is. You will save some of us a lot of time and expense. I had already decided not to buy any, no matter how good it was, at that ridiculous price anyway.

I guess it will be air gun next year!

Thanks again, Al
When I Test Ammo I

Always Shoot It Against Other Good Lots To Compare It.. This Is The Only Way You Can Tell How Good It Is Because You Shold Have A Good Idea On How Your Good Ammo Shoots... Shorty, Keith.. Six Lots Were Tested Against Good Eley, Master And Old Gold Box.. I Said It Was Pretty Good But In My Case It Did Not Shoot As Good As Some Other Lots.. I Have Nothing Against Lapua Shorty! It Has Got Me Alot Of Hof Points And I Will Proably Shoot In In My Next Big Match...we Need Two Companies Competing Against Each Other So The Prices Will Come Down Some... If There Is A Ammo That Is Better All The Rest At A Big Price Then Only A Few Hardnoised Shooters Will Shoot It And All Others Will Have To Settle For Less...thus Hurting The Sport.... When Some Of You Get To Try More Let Me Know How It Stacks Up Against Your Other Ammo.... Thanks.. Harry.. :):):)
Thanks Harry,

As most of us have said; your word on any subject related to rimfire means a great deal to all of us.

For me, the $15.45/box for Eley was alarming enough. But $26.00/box? I don't think so!

As Al and Todd said earlier, pellet guns are sure looking better and better with every passing day, especially with there .02¢/shot ammunition. The difference between them and myself, I already have one on order.

I have enough rimfire ammuntion to get me through the next couple of years, maybe longer if I don't practice as much. But, when that is gone, unless I have found more at a reasonable price, I'll probably become exclusively an airgun benchrester. I love this sport and love the people involved in it, but simply can't afford the price.

Dave Shattuck
NOW-:::::///? You Guys are makeing sence. Harry -Thanks for your testing. In my opinion if something is not done soon the sport as many of us know it will be gone. If the club furnished the same ammo then the field would be on level ground and fair to everyone. You can shoot any rifle you want but the ammo is the same for everybody.$25.00s a box for ammo is just crazy-(for those of us who can't afford it) but then there are some who can afford this ammo at any price and to me that is an unfair advantage. Harry I am glad there are still some who will try to get to the truth.garrisone
I am from OZ That $26 a box will cost us $30 hear
IT is kill this sport for sure
A lot of indoor air gun rang s poping up hear now Some are BR
I just want to know how you found 6 different lots of the X-act. From what I was told, there have not been that many lots brought into the country. There have been several lots of the lower grade from the same machine, but they use the old lube. from my limited testing the new lube makes a big difference.. Please clarify what you tested.
That's not what I meant. My point was like this: people often say if you're trying to test if something actually makes a difference, such as rim thickness or overall round weight, you should do a double-blind test. Doing so would eliminate any concious or subconcious bias, as you wouldn't know what you're shooting. And the only reason I said it was because, after stating that he found it to not be shooting what its price tag said it should be, he mentioned his poor experience with a big batch of their ammo in the past. If he hadn't mentioned that, the idea of possibly being subconciously influenced by that wouldn't have even popped into my head.

You guys are quicker to jump all over a guy without actually thinking about what they've said and why they may have said it than any other forum I've seen.
Harry is not that kind of person !!!!!!
Fred K
Same here

I've seen the same thing. Every box of the new X-Act, had the same lot number. I guess Harry has a special supplier.
I may be wrong BUT.

Things may be different by now but my understanding was Charlie Scott only had 1 case of this stuff so if you got it from him or what he was letting people test at the last indoor shoot, it probably would have been the same lot number.

Of course the key here I thought was it is also supposed to be exactly the same from lot number to lot number, so SUPOSSEDLY, no more hunting for ammo once you determine that it will work in your rifle.

HMMM, I wonder what percentage of ammo sales were just selling test lots to all of us poor mortals in search of the magic bullet?

I would hate to imagine how many partial boxes and full boxes of ammo I have that just didn't work for me.

HMMMMM, So now if you want to pay the price for this the business going to shift to the Gunsmiths and barrel makers with customers wanting the best combination that will shoot this new magical super duper round?

Are we going to have to pull some Gunsmiths out of retirement to keep up with all of the work?

Are barrel prices going to go through the roof, to keep up with demand?

Is the stainless steel market going to keep up with all of the demand?

Are people going to suffer because stainless is being diverted from surgical instruments and the food services industry to build all of these barrels?

OK., back to my original thought.

HMMMM, maybe there are going to be a ton of killer "pulled" barrels for sale that thier only fault in life was that they wouldn't shoot this new magical super duper killer high falutent Lapua round and will only shoot the old mortal eley?

Lots of things make me go HMMMMM anymore.

So what is that latest on delivery? If someone is sitting on 3 or 4 boxes of this new magical super duper killer high falutent Lapua round do we really think someone isn't going to try it in competetion?

Is Macky or someone going to tell you/us when there is enough avaliable and give the green light to legally use it in competition?


I am sticking with my black box Eley. At least till I get my clock cleaned at every match I go to. There is more to Benchrest Shooting than ammo.
6 different lots to 1 suppose lot. Makes me wonder now. Don and Fred bring up a good point. Maybe it's better than what we were told.


I Tested Some Last Fall And Again This Year And While It Has Been Out For A While And Others Have Tested Some Last Year, It Is Still Not Legal For Competition... I Dont Know If Last Years Lube Is Diffrent Or Not, And When Its Avaliable To All Shooters I Hope You Have Good Luck With It... Thats All I Have To Say On This Matter... Harry..:):):)